
Hey everyone! Pretty new to this app, firstly ive been eating healthy for three days and going good, was wondering if anyone could give me any tips/ advice on how to burn calories in the gym and any foods I might need to include in my diary, any info would be appriciated, thanks people


  • illyich
    illyich Posts: 195 Member
    This is a little bit too generic. To burn calories in the gym, exercise. Lifting weights is important, don't leave it out. If you're not sure what you're doing, ask someone at the gym. Most are happy to show someone what to do.

    For foods in your diary, make sure you get enough protein. It will help you stay full and help keep your muscle mass.

    What are your goals?
  • I have been doing weights in the gym itsbjust it takes ages adding on here, I do crosstrainer, weights, swimming and stationary bike 3 times a week, I have chicken fish protein shake and eggs through the day to keep protein uo, 4 stone shed and have nine months to do it