Hey, hi. I'm a newbie to the community.


I've used MyFitnessPal once before about a year-year and a half ago.
December 2014 I downloaded the app again to start counting my calories, as I am on a weight gain journey. From the 1st of December I started at 109lbs, now I am in between 120lbs and 121. My weight has been fluctuating between the two. But on a good note I am now 11 pounds heavier and I feel good. I have been trying to push myself and eat between at the beginning 2220-2500kcal to now 2700kcal. I have been also using an appetite stimulate on and off to help when needed. All the best to you all on your journey's, whether it may be loosing weight, maintaing weight or like me gaining weight.

If you are too on a weight gain journey, then please feel free to add me as a friend, so we can motivate and support one another.

Peace, love and chicken.