
Feeling a bit rubbish ate 800 kcals worth of chocolate n after only 4 days find it hard to stay strong I so wish I had more support but being on my own a lot makes it hard


  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'll be your temporary buddy. It's one slip-up. It won't completely derail you. So.....brainstorm for me. What might you try next time for a different outcome?

    Some strategies for all-or-nothing thinking.

  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    It's done. Forgive yourself and move on. Get back on track right now and don't let it get in your head.

    How can you avoid this in the future? Don't buy it and/or don't put it out where you can see it when you're tempted. Substitute something that doesn't trigger a binge. Dark chocolate, maybe?
  • Mmmmm i was starving n the chocolate was there so i ate it but I wouldn't of eaten it if it wasn't there
  • sugargrammy45
    sugargrammy45 Posts: 251 Member
    A friend asked me to go with her and get a Blizzard at Dairy Queen so I said yes. On the way there I thought, "In 20 minutes, all I will have left of the Blizzard is the memory and since I already remember how good they are, I don't think I'll get one." I got a diet coke, instead. What I'm really saying is that it takes a LOT of discipline to keep telling myself I don't need the extra, I only want it. But eventually the discipline becomes a part of me. Takes time, takes patience, takes diligence. I slip sometimes but I try to get right back up and do what I know I have to do. Wishing you well . . . you are on the right track for sure!