Fat/Fit/Prediabetic/Thyroid and on the Cusp of Pre Menopause

I've been working out for a couple of years now. Two years ago I quit smoking and gained 20 pounds, which I still haven't lost. I was a bit heavy to begin with, but now as per one of my doctors I am obese. The Dr told me I had to lose 100lbs. If you saw me, I am big boned but muscular. I have a layer of fat on me that I just can't lose. I do weights 2x per week and cardio 3 times per week at 50mins (varying ellyptical, spin , running/walking etc. I am so depressed as I might lose 5-10lbs but then I always gain it back. I love to snack at night, any suggestions on how to increase my metabolism and continue on. I'm just losing hope and I hate that:( Any help that you can give me would be most appreciated...BTW, I've also tried HCG, juicing, Weight Watcher's and everything is temporary..Any advice?


  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I have some of the same issues, and a similar body type. With those conditions, you should try increasing your exercise and eating a moderate-carb diet.

    By moderate carb, I mean no simple carbs (white rice, white flour, sugar, pasta) and a total carb consumption of less than 100 G/day. Reducing fruit intake and increasing non-starchy vegetable intake can help too.

    Would consuming more fiber and protein help you to reduce the urge to snack at night?
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Since fat loss is mostly about a calorie deficit, you'll either need to decrease your calorie intake, increase your activity level, or both. What do you think needs changing?

    As far as strength training, follow a good, professionally-designed program, as opposed to picking your own exercises. And use a weight that's heavy for you.

  • Thanks for the responses, I'm currently following a Paleo Plan, no sugar, no salt, no dairy and no grains. I'm really trying here and even have a trainer lined up for Friday. Exercise is never a problem for me but can't too much exercise increase your cortisol levels? If that happens, doesn't it make your body hang on to the weight? I really just want to lose at least 20lbs to start, so my knees aren't always hurting. I hate getting old:(
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Do you weigh your food? Calories in, Calories out is the basis for weight loss. You need to eat less than you burn. I would suggest starting here:

    Logging accuracy, consistency, and you're probably eating more than you think.
  • Lizabelle1212
    Lizabelle1212 Posts: 252 Member
    Sounds like you've got the exercise part down, but might just need to tighten up your eating. Have you tried just straight-up calorie counting? I know you listed WW, hCG, etc, but if you haven't, try taking a shot at what MFP is designed for. If you like to snack at night, you can work that in to your daily calorie allowance in a reasonable amount and still hit your goals. If you haven't been tracking, but rather going after "diets" then I highly recommend giving it a try. I was where you are, thinking I had tried every "diet" under the sun, but nothing clicked until I just started learning to manage my intake while still eating food I enjoy and it's completely sustainable. I don't feel deprived, and I'm losing weight steadily. Good luck to you.
  • 19bulldog60
    19bulldog60 Posts: 96 Member
    momforone wrote: »
    Thanks for the responses, I'm currently following a Paleo Plan, no sugar, no salt, no dairy and no grains. I'm really trying here and even have a trainer lined up for Friday. Exercise is never a problem for me but can't too much exercise increase your cortisol levels? If that happens, doesn't it make your body hang on to the weight? I really just want to lose at least 20lbs to start, so my knees aren't always hurting. I hate getting old:(

  • rayneface
    rayneface Posts: 219 Member
    this article will change your whole perspective on why you "can't"

  • farmboyphotography
    farmboyphotography Posts: 181 Member
    Glad to see that you are consulting a trainer on Friday. If you can swing it, maybe get on a regular workout schedule with the trainer weekly or biweekly. I go to a gym regularly but was not losing pounds or inches. But I got on a program working with trainers and that was a great decision. That added accountability, forced greater visibility for my goals and made me own my failures. I am learning more strength-training exercises, and suddenly find a lot of motivation. As a bonus, I started really taking dietary logging seriously. Now I find myself avoiding the wrong foods because I log every single food and drink. Suddenly, I am making progress!

    Anyway, making a short story long... hope you consider working with a trainer on a recurring basis. Good luck!
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    edited February 2015
    momforone wrote: »
    Exercise is never a problem for me but can't too much exercise increase your cortisol levels? If that happens, doesn't it make your body hang on to the weight?

    Too much of anything isn't good, but humans are designed for lots of physical activity. People have worked long, hard physical jobs for ages, back when obesity wasn't common. Doing 50 minutes of exercise 5 days a week isn't very much if you have an otherwise sedentary lifestyle.. in which case gradually increase your workload to a level that you can handle. For example, add an extra 15 minutes of cardio in the morning & evening. As long as you don't have signs of overtraining, like constant fatigue & soreness, keep going.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    For someone with a metabolic disorder, things are way more complicated than CICO.

    You are getting what, less that 5 hours a week of exercise? I exercise about four times that much and have managed to lose weight with more metabolic issues. Unless you are in an adrenal crisis or your endocrinologist has given you a hard-and-fast upper limit on exercise, don't worry about it.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    edited February 2015
    For someone with a metabolic disorder, things are way more complicated than CICO.

    You are getting what, less that 5 hours a week of exercise? I exercise about four times that much and have managed to lose weight with more metabolic issues. Unless you are in an adrenal crisis or your endocrinologist has given you a hard-and-fast upper limit on exercise, don't worry about it.

    Even with a metabolic disorder it is still calories in calories out, it's just that your BMR might be lower in the first place.

    I have low thyroid and Celiacs, and have successfully lost weight this time, so it can be done. You need to make sure your thyroid levels are good, and weigh your food and track accurately, so you can figure out based on your loss / gains over a month or so, where your calories need to be to lose.
  • jodyhollar
    jodyhollar Posts: 1 Member
    Ketogenic is the only way I lose. You are either using carbohydrates as fuel, or fat. Which would you like to burn off?
  • Thank you for the link to that article...Maybe that will give me the kick in the *kitten* that I need:)
  • farmboyphotography
    farmboyphotography Posts: 181 Member
    momforone, you say that you like to snack at night. Do you log every single thing you eat on a consistent basis? I mean, day in and day out, the good, the bad, and the ugly. If you are going over your calorie objective for the day, do you log every bite anyway?

    Everybody is different, but for me, as soon as I started logging EVERY calorie, I started to feel a sense of responsibility to my commitment, I started eating better, AND I suddenly started losing again. (It's easy to forget that you had a night-time snack candy bar or ice cream or whatever. A few calories here, a few extra calories there, it all adds up!)
  • mbushnellWA
    mbushnellWA Posts: 11 Member
    Agree with farmboyphotography. I'll bet lots of people struggle with snacking at night, then probably not being truthful to themselves and logging it. I am certainly a night time grazer and got beyond irritated about it, as it undid all my good eating for the day. My recent mantra is eating after 8 pm is INO (It's Not an Option), which I took from my friend who made a huge change in her mindset years ago and is one of the fittest women I know. My only exception is if I had to eat an early and light dinner before a hard scheduled evening exercise, but still keeping at desired calories for the day. Try also making a separate logging category for your evening snacks, to further help realize how much you take in at those times.
  • Thanks for all the ideas and support. I just watched a video on Realdose Weight Loss Formula No. 1. Does anyone have any feedback on that product? Does it actually work?
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Premenopausal here. Lost 89 pounds in eighteen months with a lot of help from a local clinic and bariatric surgery. If you have a moment, try on this article, see if it fits.


    There is no trending diet that will make a difference. I believe you that you've tried hard on all these diets. I think you could see progress with smaller sustained habit changes.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    For someone with a metabolic disorder, things are way more complicated than CICO.

    You are getting what, less that 5 hours a week of exercise? I exercise about four times that much and have managed to lose weight with more metabolic issues. Unless you are in an adrenal crisis or your endocrinologist has given you a hard-and-fast upper limit on exercise, don't worry about it.

    Even with metabolic disorders, it's still CICO. I have celiac disease and Hashimoto's disease.

    I tried low carbing back in the day and only lost weight to a certain point I couldn't get past. Why? I was eating too many calories.

    Now, I eat what I like, within my calorie goals, and lose weight.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    momforone wrote: »
    I've been working out for a couple of years now. Two years ago I quit smoking and gained 20 pounds, which I still haven't lost. I was a bit heavy to begin with, but now as per one of my doctors I am obese. The Dr told me I had to lose 100lbs. If you saw me, I am big boned but muscular. I have a layer of fat on me that I just can't lose. I do weights 2x per week and cardio 3 times per week at 50mins (varying ellyptical, spin , running/walking etc. I am so depressed as I might lose 5-10lbs but then I always gain it back. I love to snack at night, any suggestions on how to increase my metabolism and continue on. I'm just losing hope and I hate that:( Any help that you can give me would be most appreciated...BTW, I've also tried HCG, juicing, Weight Watcher's and everything is temporary..Any advice?

    <hardass mode on>

    You're using fad diets for temporary weight loss and then eating too much whenever you're not on a fad diet. I suspect you really have overestimated your daily burn and underestimated how much you're consuming. I also guess that you go hungry during the day and that's why you're overdoing it at night. Some people do well going for long periods without eating - I do NOT and it sounds like you don't either. Eat regularly spaced meals.

    Try using the calculation here: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ to get a daily calorie goal. Then get to logging your calories vigilantly and honestly. You may have an unpleasant shock when those numbers show up but you need that reality in order to progress.

    And stop trying to find a magic pill. It's not out there. You are the only magic pill you've got. You might be muscular but no metabolism on Earth can outrun overeating. It's that denial that's hurting you.

    <hardass mode off>

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    For someone with a metabolic disorder, things are way more complicated than CICO.

    You are getting what, less that 5 hours a week of exercise? I exercise about four times that much and have managed to lose weight with more metabolic issues. Unless you are in an adrenal crisis or your endocrinologist has given you a hard-and-fast upper limit on exercise, don't worry about it.

    Even with a metabolic disorder it is still calories in calories out, it's just that your BMR might be lower in the first place.

    I have low thyroid and Celiacs, and have successfully lost weight this time, so it can be done. You need to make sure your thyroid levels are good, and weigh your food and track accurately, so you can figure out based on your loss / gains over a month or so, where your calories need to be to lose.

    I have lost/kept off 85 pounds, thanks. I do track.

    I have thyroid disease and 4 other metabolic diseases, including pituitary failure (pan-hypopituitarism/adult HGH deficiency). My BMR is about 25% of what it should be. The way that the body deals with foods involves several interdependent systems--it is never as simple as CICO. CICO is an assumption based on a healthy/functioning endocrine system. Not all of us have one of those.