Feel Awkard not much to lose

Feeling bad - I see so many stories on here about people who have made MASSIVE weight loss (and good for them). I am 126 pounds but would like to lose 14 more - it's not so much about the pounds - more toning up. Is anyone else in the same boat??


  • rachel_getsfit
    I am on the same boat, I'm mainly on here to change my diet and to get a new exercise regime that will help me to tone up
  • fionalew
    fionalew Posts: 18 Member
    I was 168(12 stone) lost 42 but have gained 14 (1 stone) back) Just want that last stone gone. It was excersie for me but so hard to get motivated when it's so cold
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    Wow, how tall are you? That's great that you have so little too lose. It just means it will take some time and you will need to go slowly. Fourteen pounds is actually alot when you only weigh 126, especially depending on your height.
  • fionalew
    fionalew Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 5'3. In comparison to others it's nothing I know - not so much the weight more the stats - I need to tone up
  • Cherie7015
    It doesn't matter what you have to lose! Weight and weight loss are personal issues we are all built differently so have different amounts to lose. I work full time and have two very sporty young boys, dad works late so I have to make time for myself go to the gym but I do it because i love the peace and I want to still be that fun mum for my boys!!! If you want it bad enough you will do it x