Reducing Meat Intake



  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Not my bag. Food is food, whether it's animal or plant based.

    Good luck with your goals though.

    Ok but I prefer my food to not cry before it dies.

    Vegan propoganda...

  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Not my bag. Food is food, whether it's animal or plant based.

    Good luck with your goals though.

    Ok but I prefer my food to not cry before it dies.

    I don't really care if it does or not. It's just food.

    It's also called the "food chain" for a reason...
  • Animals were placed on Earth to feed us. It's great being at the top of the food chain.
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    I actively dislike chickens. If a chicken gave me cause, I would not hesitate to slap it.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    Also check out freelee the banana girl on YouTube she kinda inspired my decision.


    Yes, OP, I did make the decision two years ago and I transitioned to a vegan diet, and I brought my family along with me.
    This. bahahahaha about the banana girl.
    But, yes, I'm eating much more plant based than I used to. I've had a heavily plant based diet for about 14 years, but I've tweaked it in the last while to be even more so.
    I used to have meat/animal products once a day or so, now I'm not.
    I'm not a vegetarian/vegan, but more like a pescetarian right now. I'm eating wild caught sustainable fish a couple of times a week. For me, while there have always been ethics and safety concerns, my decision to eat even more plant based than I was was about my health and how I felt. Red meat was causing increased hot flashes and night sweats. And I felt like it was exacerbating my menopause symptoms. And, I wanted to greatly increase my consumption of healthy plant foods that would make me feel BETTER during menopause.
    So I did. And I do.

    I don't log my calories, generally, but have been off and on the last while to track nutrients. My magical macros haven't changed much, but my diet is more nutritious than it was. And, importantly, I do feel better.

    And, I'll tweak again if I deem it necessary or desirable.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Animals were placed on Earth to feed us. It's great being at the top of the food chain.

    by whom?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Interesting to see those 'tolerant' vegans and vegetarians have flagged my post for abuse. I think that says more about them than me.

    I should also say that the vast majority of vegans and vegetarians I know in real life and who post on the board are lovely people. But you're always going to get a few loonies at the fringe I suppose.

    What does "tolerance" have to do with it, and why assume that it's the vegetarians who flagged your comment? (I have not idea why it was flagged, it doesn't violate any rules. But as we know that doesn't really matter here it seems.)
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Interesting to see those 'tolerant' vegans and vegetarians have flagged my post for abuse. I think that says more about them than me.

    I should also say that the vast majority of vegans and vegetarians I know in real life and who post on the board are lovely people. But you're always going to get a few loonies at the fringe I suppose.

    What does "tolerance" have to do with it, and why assume that it's the vegetarians who flagged your comment? (I have not idea why it was flagged, it doesn't violate any rules. But as we know that doesn't really matter here it seems.)

    1) Quotes can be used to indicate sarcasm.
    2) It was vegans. Really.

    It wasn't this vegan! Judgy, 'meat is murder, so you're a murderer' vegans annoy the heck out of me. They happen to be the most vocal of the bunch and tend to be off putting to most people.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Interesting to see those 'tolerant' vegans and vegetarians have flagged my post for abuse. I think that says more about them than me.

    I should also say that the vast majority of vegans and vegetarians I know in real life and who post on the board are lovely people. But you're always going to get a few loonies at the fringe I suppose.

    What does "tolerance" have to do with it, and why assume that it's the vegetarians who flagged your comment? (I have not idea why it was flagged, it doesn't violate any rules. But as we know that doesn't really matter here it seems.)

    1) Quotes can be used to indicate sarcasm.
    2) It was vegans. Really.

    I knew you were being sarcastic. It doesn't make it relevant. What does being vegan have to do with tolerance? All it is is argumentative disguised as sarcasm.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Interesting to see those 'tolerant' vegans and vegetarians have flagged my post for abuse. I think that says more about them than me.

    I should also say that the vast majority of vegans and vegetarians I know in real life and who post on the board are lovely people. But you're always going to get a few loonies at the fringe I suppose.

    What does "tolerance" have to do with it, and why assume that it's the vegetarians who flagged your comment? (I have not idea why it was flagged, it doesn't violate any rules. But as we know that doesn't really matter here it seems.)

    1) Quotes can be used to indicate sarcasm.
    2) It was vegans. Really.

    It wasn't this vegan! Judgy, 'meat is murder, so you're a murderer' vegans annoy the heck out of me. They happen to be the most vocal of the bunch and tend to be off putting to most people.

    okay I'll jump in too! also a non judge-y vegetarian here. I made a choice for my own reasons, which I pretty much keep it to myself.

    Also, I dont need a really good reason to not eat meat. I can just not eat it, because I dont want to.

    I think people are disappointed when I dont feel my vegetarian diet is a brave bold sacrifice for the sake of the animals.

    Like, I hope I am helping the animals, but that wasnt my original intention. My original intention was based on economics, health, and a life long love of vegetarian food.
  • Jennikitten
    Jennikitten Posts: 142 Member
    Why can't people be happy eating a balance diet. My sister cut meat out of her life a long time ago. We always thought she was healthy. She was skinny and worked out a lot, ate her share of peanuts, beans, tofu and peas - lots of vegatables. Thought she was getting all of her protein. Now she has thyroid issues, heart problems, migraines, and anorixia. Now the doctor is making her eat animal protein and fat. Organic food still has pesitcides. Soy and beans are processed food. Then there are studies that your body doesn't absorb plant protein as well as animal. If you think about it, everything is bad for you. Why not just eat a balance diet? I will eat animal protein for about every meal, plus vegatables, a little bit of fruit (diabetes is highly in my family - got to watch my sugar intake - gives me a bad headache), a protein bar and some type of grain bread/pasta/rice or other grain. I lift 4 times a week.

    You talk about your sister as though it is vegetarianism that is causing the health issues but you also mention anorixia (I am guessing you mean anorexia nervosa by that as there is nothing else close to that) and anorexia would cause every one of the symptoms you mentioned. As for them making her eat animal products, it is a standard treatment for anorexia to prevent the patient form restricting their diet in any way and additionally it is a good way to gain weight fast as animal products are higher in saturated fats than plant based foods.

    As for mentioning the food chain, we are badly evolved to consume animal products (especially dairy) as this is something that we only started doing relatively recently in evolutionary terms and we certainly are not very good at it when compared with other omnivores and even more so compared to carnivores. additionally the ability to do something does not absolve you of moral responsibility, you have the physically ability to murder but that doesn't make it right for you to do so.

    What I am saying is, if you are making a choice in a matter accept that it is a choice. I am not judging anyone here I just think that it is important for people to take responsibility for their own choices.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I love meat! The food kind too!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Interesting to see those 'tolerant' vegans and vegetarians have flagged my post for abuse. I think that says more about them than me.

    I should also say that the vast majority of vegans and vegetarians I know in real life and who post on the board are lovely people. But you're always going to get a few loonies at the fringe I suppose.

    What does "tolerance" have to do with it, and why assume that it's the vegetarians who flagged your comment? (I have not idea why it was flagged, it doesn't violate any rules. But as we know that doesn't really matter here it seems.)

    1) Quotes can be used to indicate sarcasm.
    2) It was vegans. Really.

    It wasn't this vegan! Judgy, 'meat is murder, so you're a murderer' vegans annoy the heck out of me. They happen to be the most vocal of the bunch and tend to be off putting to most people.

    okay I'll jump in too! also a non judge-y vegetarian here. I made a choice for my own reasons, which I pretty much keep it to myself.

    Also, I dont need a really good reason to not eat meat. I can just not eat it, because I dont want to.

    I think people are disappointed when I dont feel my vegetarian diet is a brave bold sacrifice for the sake of the animals.

    Like, I hope I am helping the animals, but that wasnt my original intention. My original intention was based on economics, health, and a life long love of vegetarian food.
    Yup. Agreed. Totally. Kinda like folks who decide to not eat refined carbs and added sugars. cheers
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    So much fear mongering of foods on these forums, no wonder people have eating disorders. *SMH*
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Who could have predicted this thread would blow up so fast? :huh:
  • jkoch6599
    jkoch6599 Posts: 30 Member
    I've introduced a lot more meat-free meals, more fish and pretty much all the meat I do eat is responsibly farmed, organic and sourced from a local butcher, to the point I know the farm and even the herd.

    Aww how cute!

  • I have recently switched to a more vegetarian diet, just due to the amount of unknown ingredients that meat from supermarkets contain. I have found it a relatively easy switch, easier than cutting out dairy, but I will still eat a burger every few months if I am going out with friends. It is hard because a lot of people dissaprove of cutting meat out, but if you think you can manage it then it is a great switch (cheaper grocery bills and better digestion).
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Interesting to see those 'tolerant' vegans and vegetarians have flagged my post for abuse. I think that says more about them than me.

    I should also say that the vast majority of vegans and vegetarians I know in real life and who post on the board are lovely people. But you're always going to get a few loonies at the fringe I suppose.

    What does "tolerance" have to do with it, and why assume that it's the vegetarians who flagged your comment? (I have not idea why it was flagged, it doesn't violate any rules. But as we know that doesn't really matter here it seems.)

    1) Quotes can be used to indicate sarcasm.
    2) It was vegans. Really.

    It wasn't this vegan! Judgy, 'meat is murder, so you're a murderer' vegans annoy the heck out of me. They happen to be the most vocal of the bunch and tend to be off putting to most people.

    okay I'll jump in too! also a non judge-y vegetarian here. I made a choice for my own reasons, which I pretty much keep it to myself.

    Also, I dont need a really good reason to not eat meat. I can just not eat it, because I dont want to.

    I think people are disappointed when I dont feel my vegetarian diet is a brave bold sacrifice for the sake of the animals.

    Like, I hope I am helping the animals, but that wasnt my original intention. My original intention was based on economics, health, and a life long love of vegetarian food.

    Economics definitely plays a role in my decisions. Every other week I hear complaints from family about how pricey meat, dairy, and eggs are getting. And I'm over here with my dried beans and rice and veggies from Aldi not having a clue what those prices even look like anymore. Lentils FTW!
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Also check out freelee the banana girl on YouTube she kinda inspired my decision.

    Oh dear.

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited February 2015
    herrspoons wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Interesting to see those 'tolerant' vegans and vegetarians have flagged my post for abuse. I think that says more about them than me.

    I should also say that the vast majority of vegans and vegetarians I know in real life and who post on the board are lovely people. But you're always going to get a few loonies at the fringe I suppose.

    What does "tolerance" have to do with it, and why assume that it's the vegetarians who flagged your comment? (I have not idea why it was flagged, it doesn't violate any rules. But as we know that doesn't really matter here it seems.)

    1) Quotes can be used to indicate sarcasm.
    2) It was vegans. Really.

    I knew you were being sarcastic. It doesn't make it relevant. What does being vegan have to do with tolerance? All it is is argumentative disguised as sarcasm.

    Pretty much. The dude picked a fight in a thread that had nothing to do with him and then complained about other people being mean.

    Classic MFP.