Looking for weight loss accountability partner!!

Hi!! I'm looking for someone with similar stats and goals to partner up with through this app so we can motivate each other and stay accountable to one another and achieve our goals.

Starting Weight: 250
Current Weight: 205
Goal Weight: 175(Then muscle to 200)

I'm looking to lose a decent amount of body fat right now. I'm somewhere in the mid 20's percentage wise I would say. I'd like to get down to low teens before I start trying to build a lot of muscle mass. Like I said I'd like to meet someone (guy or girl) with a similar journey as a goal.

Please feel free to add me even as a friend on your journey. I'd love to be a part of everyone's success and motivate you all.


  • Dch102801
    Dch102801 Posts: 74 Member
    we have the same type of goals I'll try and help you add me