fluctuating weight, why?!

Hello, ive just started my diet, I have been sticking to it, i went from 57kilos to 55.5 in two weeks. On Saturday morning i weighed myself and I weighed 56.5 all of a sudden! then i continued with my diet on Saturday and on sunday morning again i weighed 56.5 and then on Sunday I had a bbq and didn't diet and drank and and ate quite a lot and then today i weighed myself and again i weigh 56.5! whats going on. On Friday i ran and burnt 260 calories and on Saturday I ran and burnt 480 calories, could it be because of this?! i'm so frustrated!


  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Water retention caused by not drinking enough and/or high sodium meals can make your weight fluctuate. I have tied this down as I do a lot of travelling and while I'm away eat in hotels/restaurants, thus high sodium, and don't usually drink enough. When I come home after five days I weigh the same or more than I did when I went away, but it all comes off during the next 2-3 days when I drink normally. I have lost nothing over 5 days away in theory, then 3 lbs over the next three days. It happens time after time. I also weigh myself every day when I'm at home so the effect of sodium on water retention is very marked.
  • hollygparr
    hollygparr Posts: 243 Member
    High Sodium
    Time of the month
    Not enough water

    Just a few reasons why it may be happening :)
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Weight fluctuations are completely normal. You weight can fluctuate several pounds throughout the day and from one day to the next.


    My weight since April 10-


    My weight compared to calorie intake & burn(fitbit estimated):
