I need help to lose 10 pounds

Hi and I 'd like to introduce myself. My name is Barb, recently retired, and would like to lose 10 pounds by my son's wedding in May. Any help, encouragement, recipes, you name it, and I am game to try. Hope to hear some good recipes and dieting ideas :)


  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Set your profile to lose .5lbs a week, eat those calories daily, not much under and not over. Drink plenty of water, eat ALL the foods (nothing is off limits). And wait. The weight will come off. With 10lbs to lose, you'll easily have it all off before May. Great job starting early!

    I started Dec. 10th and right now I'm 9lbs down. I originally starting thinking I needed to lose 9lbs but I've convinced myself I can go a bit farther south to 153. So 55ish days, 9lbs, eating 1630 calories and not exercising or stressing myself out. It's been pretty easy!