
rezinhasud Posts: 4
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I hit a plateau and don't know what to do! I did soo good last week And worked out for 5 days and everything but didn't lose a single gram. I got upset I'm not gonna lie but instead of eating I went to the gym to release my frustration. I don't know what to do to break th plateau. I'll work out for over 2 hours every day and I've been on a high protein diet for 3 weeks now and it was working fine but now it's not working anymore!! What to do? Please help!!!!


  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    i thought if you went high protein you will build muscle which is heavier than fat -are you tonning up with all this gym work??--i also use to do loads of gym work and discovered that i needed rest days to give my body time to work its magic and lose the weight!

    Also you dont say how far through your diet you are--i am in my last 6lbs and if i stop now it is just the shape of my body against the bmi scale--they say the last 10lbs is vanity poundage!!
  • kaydtc
    kaydtc Posts: 48
    Have you taken measurements as well as getting weighed? You might find that you have lost inches even though you have not lost weight, as the previous reply said muscle is heavier than fat and if you been working out a lot you may have lost fat and built muscle which will not show as a loss on the scales! Anyway, don't give in, everybody hits a plateau now and then and it is really frustrating and is the time when a lot of people give up, work through it and the weight will start coming off again! Good luck :smile:
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    How about calories? Do u count calories? I never did before but I've lost over 20lbs by eating less calories and doing lots of cardio I have not hit my plateau but as soon as I do I'm changing up my routine.

    How many weeks have u bee working out?
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Here is a link from Jillian Michaels on breaking plateaus. Don't know if this might help.
  • Perhaps your body has adapted to your workout routine. Try changing it up in a variety of ways:
    - split the workout sessions: one in the morning, the other in the afternoon or evening
    - increase the intensity and/or difficulty of your workouts such as less rest time between sets, heavier weights, more reps, or higher speeds
    - schedule your workouts for light, medium, and hard weeks.
    - switch up the workouts - e.g. rather than 30 minutes on the treadmill, go 30 minutes on the bike, rowing, or elliptical machine
    - include high intensity interval training (HIIT) in your workouts
    - focus more time on cardio training vs. weight training if you're looking to lose weight.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    one week does not a plateau make. Give it time, the body doesn't work on a calendar like our minds do, sometimes you just need to take a breath and give your body time.
  • I didn't measure myself, but to be honest I noticed I'm a bit muscly... I'm just changing things up and trying to get out of the plateau. Let's see what happens... I didn't let that discourage me... I'm still working out and eating healthier.. I add carbs here and there on my diet, mainly for breakfast... Thanks for the Jillian Michaels link.. It was really helpful... Thanks for all of your comments.. there were greatly appreciated...
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    i have come to this logical conclusion---when your calories are set by mfp you give your start weight and this is used to set your calorie rate but as your weight reduces in theory so should your bmr calorie intake-so if you eat all your calories your weight loss will slow down or even stop!
  • de1amo, In regards to MFP calculating your calories...MFP will adjust your calorie intake after "X" amount of lbs lost. I first signed up with MFP while I was on Nutrisystem. Throughout the 10 weeks I was on it, I lost 33 lbs. After a period of time (I cannot recall), MFP reset my calorie intake based on my new weight.

    So while your conclusion may hold true in the short-term, I'm not sure how much of a drastic impact it would have in the long run as MFP adjusts your calories.
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