weight room etiquette

I bought NROLFW and I am excited to start but SO intimidated by the free weight room and all the people....mostly men.... who seem to have their *kitten* together. The first time I went I totally bailed and chickened out. Then I brought my hubby along to help me learn....even tho he has no clue it felt better to be clueless with someone. So I feel pretty confident now that I know what's where and what to do but I'm still nervous I'll get in other people's way or do something dumb. For instance I saw one guy ask another guy if he was finished using a bench thingie. Guy #2 was no where near the bench nor was any of his stuff and so I thought gosh....how will I know if someone is using something so I don't just walk in and but in some invisible line up. So....are their rules? Help me gain some confidence before I step in again. I'm sure I totally broke etiquette when I was staring... mesmerized... at a guy doing insane amount of pull ups....oops!


  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    The New Rules is a great program. Best of luck

    As far as what to do and not do:

    Wipe up sweat after yourself
    No curls in the squat rack
    Don't do an exercise right in front of the dumbbell rack.

    You might feel less intimidated if you could go during non-peak hours for a while until you get the feel for your routine and the gym itself.
  • savinoca
    I did NROLFW last year and was intimidated to start, just like you, since I've never really done any weights in a gym before. But, you just do your thing and you'll notice that people don't really pay attention to you and are just focused on their own workout. And then you just get used to being there and eventually it's not intimidating at all.

    If someone is not near a bench and doesn't have stuff on it I think it's fine to use it. If they are using it, they can politely ask you at that point if they can finish first.

    You probably shouldn't stare at people doing their own workouts though, hah :)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    IME, most people are pretty friendly... wait until the person is done with their set (never interrupt someone mid-set) then ask if they are using the equipment or are almost done or whatever else.

    Just use some common sense and be considerate of others. It's not rocket science.
  • dlvuyovich
    dlvuyovich Posts: 102 Member
    You'll be fine, always be polite, even if you feel you've accidently been 'that person'. There is nothing wrong with working in with people if that is the only set up for what you are doing or it is busy.

    As mentioned before, wait till someone is done with a set then don't be afraid to ask. I actually find it annoying if I am using something and someone just hovers and gives me the stink eye. I'm perfectly ok with working in, just ask.

    I have committed the sin of staring, especially if it is something insane. To cover it up, I've gone up to people with admiration, apologized for staring, and/or followed up with "how did you train for that/where did you start doing that" or something of that nature. You might actually learn from it.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited February 2015
    For instance I saw one guy ask another guy if he was finished using a bench thingie. Guy #2 was no where near the bench nor was any of his stuff and so I thought gosh....how will I know if someone is using something so I don't just walk in and but in some invisible line up.

    Yeah, sometimes people walk around during their rest between sets, and if they don't leave a water bottle or something around the equipment they're using, it can be hard to tell. So while you're doing one exercise using equipment x, have a look at what's happening at the next place you need to go. If someone's just finished using that bench or whatever and is kind of ambling around, they might be on a break, so you could ask them.

    Or you could just use it, because usually people do leave something around and it's fair enough to assume an empty bench is free.
  • AndreaWhite611
    AndreaWhite611 Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you for the replies everyone. I honestly appreciate it. I am a polite person so didn't really need the suggestion of using common sense and It's not rocket science. I'm glad it came easy for you but maybe it isn't as easy for everyone.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    My rule for bench / squat rack was, if they left the weights on and walked away, they're coming back to it. An hour later, you realize the *kitten* left the building and didn't rerack his weights. All of this uncertainty just led me to sack up and start talking to the enormous, shredded, intimidating guys. Btw, they're usually super nice and polite and will let you work in, in-between their sets.
  • jhc7324
    jhc7324 Posts: 200 Member
    Thank you for the replies everyone. I honestly appreciate it. I am a polite person so didn't really need the suggestion of using common sense and It's not rocket science. I'm glad it came easy for you but maybe it isn't as easy for everyone.
    Then you should be all set. The regulars in the weight room will be able to tell that you're new at what you're doing, and will "probably be willing to overlook any accidental breaches of weight room etiquette while you're learning the ropes. As long as you're not going going out of your way to be a nuisance to anyone else you won't have any problems.

    The weight room always seems intimidating until you get in there, and then you realize that the people who are in there a lot are just regular people too.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Thank you for the replies everyone. I honestly appreciate it. I am a polite person so didn't really need the suggestion of using common sense and It's not rocket science. I'm glad it came easy for you but maybe it isn't as easy for everyone.

    But most of it simply is common sense. Most of the time, if someone does something wrong, it's so obvious that there is no question. Be polite all you want - if you don't use common sense, it doesn't matter.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    Thank you for the replies everyone. I honestly appreciate it. I am a polite person so didn't really need the suggestion of using common sense and It's not rocket science. I'm glad it came easy for you but maybe it isn't as easy for everyone.

    Aw, it definitely takes a while to understand the unwritten rules of a new environment! It's a fair question.
  • AndreaWhite611
    AndreaWhite611 Posts: 54 Member
    Aha ...crap.I left weights on the squat bar. I just walked away and didn't even think about taking them off. Maybe I am lacking common sense afterall.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    edited February 2015
    Aha ...crap.I left weights on the squat bar. I just walked away and didn't even think about taking them off. Maybe I am lacking common sense afterall.

    Maybe, maybe not... but certainly consideration for others.
  • CompressedCarbon
    CompressedCarbon Posts: 357 Member
    What JHC7324 said. I first walked into the free weight side of the gym ten months ago and was terrified. I was horribly self conscious and very aware that I was the only female there and using piddly weights while it seemed like everyone else was using massive weights. I focused hard on what I was doing, kept my earbuds in my ears and cleaned up after myself.

    I'm incredibly shy and introverted but if you go consistently and at the same time, you'll begin to notice others who have the same schedule as you. Give them secret names. It will help you not be intimidated by them.

    Realize that when you think people are looking at you, they probably are. But not in a bad way. They are just resting between sets and absently noting who's there and what they are doing. And you'll start looking at them too.

    And then one day, ManWithAYellowHat or ManWhoMarchesToADifferentDrummer or maybe even Thor will ask you if you are done squatting or give you encouragement and then pretty soon, you won't even notice or care that you are still the only female in the area. You'll just be one of the lifters, trying to lift just a little more weight than you did the session before. Just like your buddies.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    Aha ...crap.I left weights on the squat bar. I just walked away and didn't even think about taking them off. Maybe I am lacking common sense afterall.

    Maybe, maybe not... but certainly consideration for others.

    Unless when she encountered it, she found it already loaded with someone else's plates and thought the rule was that it was up to the next person to set themselves up
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    None of that kind of thing is necessarily obvious if you're new
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    Aha ...crap.I left weights on the squat bar. I just walked away and didn't even think about taking them off. Maybe I am lacking common sense afterall.

    Maybe, maybe not... but certainly consideration for others.

    Unless when she encountered it, she found it already loaded with someone else's plates and thought the rule was that it was up to the next person to set themselves up

    Who assumes it's OK to not pick up after themselves?
  • MaternalCopulator
    MaternalCopulator Posts: 125 Member
    Don't squat in my curl rack bro.
  • AndreaWhite611
    AndreaWhite611 Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you thank you forrl. I will be reading and rereading your post. And always repacking my weights from now on. I do not lack consideration for others....once I know what's expected I have no problem being considerate. I think someone who had no conservation for others would have just barged in and certainly not created this post.
  • AndreaWhite611
    AndreaWhite611 Posts: 54 Member
    Errr...re-racking...whatever I it's called
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I usually ask how many more sets someone has. If they just started they might offer to have me work in. Especially if this person uses around the same weight.

    Also what is wrong with staring at a guy while he does push ups. I don't think he would be upset you were starring. If so then ask like wow how many did you do in a row or sets or whatever. People stare at the gym what else do you do during a rest period.