Battling Vices

Hi all!

My name is Nikki and I'm a comedian and teacher in Iowa. I've been doing comedy music for a year and improv for 2 1/2. I'm currently in my 4th year of teaching art :)

I've struggled with dieting and weight fluctuation for the last three years. When I first moved out on my own I ballooned from 120 to 150lbs. I reactivated my MFP account to try and get back down to my original weight, and even push it a little further to try and get to 118. I've managed to get down to 132, but then slacked off and went back up to 140. Currently I'm at 138.

My biggest vice with weightloss is the amount of alcohol I consume, which has only gone up over time since a lot of my comedy is performed in bars (and let's face it, comedians are suckers for addictive habits). I'm trying to battle this by cutting out all weekday drinking, and cutting beer from my diet entirely (which is going to be painful, as I love my craft beers). I am also cutting pop and my only sugared beverage during the day is my 80 calorie K-Cup in the morning. I've replaced breakfast with a Slim Fast Meal Bar and lunch is a Slim Fast Shake and about a cup of fruit/veggies. I try to keep dinner between 500-600 calories and am taking 6 GCE supplements a day.

I'm looking for support from people who are also cutting back on their vices to help keep me on track and hold me accountable. I'm turning 27 on Sunday, and really want to approach 30 (not to mention swimsuit season) with a body I can be 100% proud of. :)