I just had a baby!

Hey there! I'm a momma of 2, ages 4 and 2 months. I used to be in great shape but life happened babies happened and I got lazy. Time to get moving and lose this baby weight. Any other mommas out there doing the same? Let's be friends and keep
Each accountable.


  • Congratulations on your new baby!

    I'm a mom of five :) 12, 9, 7, 2, and 4 months. I just started P90X3 this past Monday. I used to be in great shape as well. I still exclusively nurse so those last 10 pounds are not wanting to budge. I downloaded this app to work with my Garmin vivosmart and SEE where I am spending my allowed calories. I'm not trying to lose weight as much as I'm trying to tone up.
  • amberavadal
    amberavadal Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for adding me! Im bf too and know it's going to be a challenge because I'm hungry ALL THE TIME lol I just need to make healthier choices and do more portion control. I'm hoping this app will show me where my calories are going and help me adjust them.
  • I am a former cheerleader and Show Choir performer. I'm 19, and just had a baby 6 weeks ago so am just starting back on a weight loss journey. I am looking to get back to my performing weight or lower. I love to dance and have a lot of energy and love trying new work outs and challenging myself. My two main goals (besides weight loss and over all health) are to first run a solid mile no stops in under 10 minutes and then eventually I would like to run a 5k. Really hoping to find someone on a similar path with similar interests to me :) if you feel like you can relate please feel free to add me!
  • I walked power walked lots with pram and ate loads fruit... bf dropped pounds quick too! Congrats x I later started lots of classes to get my fitness up. Now im back running. Lb is 2yrs now. Lg is 6yrs. X
  • amberavadal
    amberavadal Posts: 39 Member
    I can't wait until summer to start walking... It's so cold right now it's tough to leave the house. I joined a mommy baby tot swim class starting today starting this weekend, that should be fun.
  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    I've got a 4 yr old and a 2yr old - trying to lose 25lbs by July (well technically 21lbs now :) )
  • Hi, I am a mother of two. Girl has 2 years, and baby boy is 5 months old. First time was easier... Now I need help. Calorie counting, and everything else that can help... :(
    Breastfeeding exclusively, but it doesn't make a change ;)
  • amberavadal
    amberavadal Posts: 39 Member
    Does cleaning the house constantly count as exercise? Lol
  • No, I.mean, not for me. Our flat is so little. So I can do it with out moving :)))))
    Kidding ;)

  • Hi. I just had a baby also. It's so easy to fall off the fitness wagon when life gets crazy. I gained 70 pounds this last pregnancy.
  • amberavadal
    amberavadal Posts: 39 Member
    We can do it moms! I plan on getting into some workout shows on hulu. Maybe it will be entertaining for my little ones to see mom jump around lol