Losing Weight with a Disability

Hai MFP users!
I'm not exactly new here, but I am re-committing to working on bettering my health so I have jumped on board once again. I feel awful most days at my current weight, sluggish and depressed can usually describe most of my days. I know that I want to lose 100+ lbs for health (although looking good most likely be what pushes me forward when i plateau or struggle; let's face it, I'm vain).

Working out is one of the few things about weight loss that I actually enjoy; it makes me feel great. Sadly, I have an old ankle injury that keeps me from strenuous activity. Hell, even light activity can get my tendinitis flaring up more than usual. I generally go to bed with an aching pain in my lower calf and foot from it. I'm hoping that with a bigger focus on healing my injury (daily stretching, massage, icing more often) I can get myself back to the gym. For now, I sometimes do sitting exercises and swimming.

So, this week I am taking it day by day, with an attempt to eliminate "junk foods" and swap out healthy versions. Each week I want to strengthen the strict-ness of the diet until I am dairy-free, lean proteins only, low gluten etc. I'm also now taking a supplement called t-3 which is naturally found in your thyroid/speeds up your metabolism.
Have any of you had success with t-3? Or vice versa... My real goal here is to create a sense of community for myself.
