I have a question!

kreatingkarroll Posts: 12
edited February 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all, my name is Karroll. I've recently started using MFP to track my calories and help balance my nutrition, I have a long road ahead in the weightloss world and I have a few questions I'm hoping someone will be able to help me with:)

1) If I stay within my daly caloric limit, but am only eating two (hearty but healthy) meals, no snacks or anything, will I still be able to lose weight? I've heard time and time again that you should have 5/6 small meals a day, but my daily schedule doesn't really permit that, and aside from that, I'm a big portions kind of girl. I like to eat until I'm full (well if I'm being honest, even beyond full... But that's how I got myself in this mess.) I typically have a nice balanced breakfast and a healthy balanced dinner, and if I have left over calories I'll eat a snack... Usually air popped popcorn.

2) I try to manage my macronutrients, my goal daily is 45% carbs 30% fat and 25% protein, if that balance isn't perfect, will that hinder my ability to lose weight?

And last but not least
3) I haven't purchased a food scale yet, it's on the wish list... Do you think they are worth it? My goal is to lose weight the healthy way. Take my time, and only do things I think I can continue long term. I don't want to burn myself out like I have in the past cutting out ALL carbs, and eating way too little. I'm transiting into a lifestyle change, any and all tips are much appreciated!

Thanks, and best of luck to you on your goals also!


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Yes, all that is required for weight loss, is a deficit. I would raise my protein and most definitely get a food scale. Go get it!
  • Hitesc
    Hitesc Posts: 86 Member
    doesn't matter when you eat as long as you are at a calorie deficit
  • Hitesc
    Hitesc Posts: 86 Member
    And yes I think weight scales are needed. They're only20 bux at walmart anyways so its not an expensive investment
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Hi and welcome aboard! I know what that long road feeling is like. I've lost 60 lbs but still have 90 to go. Sometimes it feels like I will never get there lol.

    1- if two meals is all you want to eat, that is fine. As long as you are in calorie deficit, it doesn't matter what time you eat. There is no difference between 5-6 small meals during the day and two large meals.

    2- No, ratio will not hinder weightloss. Again it is all about being in a deficit. The ratios are more for general health, not weightloss. Would you lose weight if all you ate was butter and you were in a calorie deficit? Yes, but would it be "healthy"? Not really lol.

    3-weight scale is in bathroom scale or food scale?the food scale is definitely worth it and you should weigh all of your food since it is easy to miscalculate a portion.

    Hope these answers helped.
  • Hitesc wrote: »
    And yes I think weight scales are needed. They're only20 bux at walmart anyways so its not an expensive investment

    I meant a food scale. Lol. Oops! Thank you so much for the tips!
  • kreatingkarroll
    kreatingkarroll Posts: 12
    edited February 2015
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Hi and welcome aboard! I know what that long road feeling is like. I've lost 60 lbs but still have 90 to go. Sometimes it feels like I will never get there lol.

    1- if two meals is all you want to eat, that is fine. As long as you are in calorie deficit, it doesn't matter what time you eat. There is no difference between 5-6 small meals during the day and two large meals.

    2- No, ratio will not hinder weightloss. Again it is all about being in a deficit. The ratios are more for general health, not weightloss. Would you lose weight if all you ate was butter and you were in a calorie deficit? Yes, but would it be "healthy"? Not really lol.

    3-weight scale is in bathroom scale or food scale?the food scale is definitely worth it and you should weigh all of your food since it is easy to miscalculate a portion.

    Hope these answers helped.

    I meant a food scale, haha. Oops. Thank you so much! And congrats on your success!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Two meals is a great Idea if that helps you. Plenty of us eat only twice a day.
    Get the good scale. Trust me when I tell you that you will tremendously benefit from it. :D
  • RodaRose wrote: »
    Two meals is a great Idea if that helps you. Plenty of us eat only twice a day.
    Get the good scale. Trust me when I tell you that you will tremendously benefit from it. :D

    Thank you!
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Hi and welcome aboard! I know what that long road feeling is like. I've lost 60 lbs but still have 90 to go. Sometimes it feels like I will never get there lol.

    1- if two meals is all you want to eat, that is fine. As long as you are in calorie deficit, it doesn't matter what time you eat. There is no difference between 5-6 small meals during the day and two large meals.

    2- No, ratio will not hinder weightloss. Again it is all about being in a deficit. The ratios are more for general health, not weightloss. Would you lose weight if all you ate was butter and you were in a calorie deficit? Yes, but would it be "healthy"? Not really lol.

    3-weight scale is in bathroom scale or food scale?the food scale is definitely worth it and you should weigh all of your food since it is easy to miscalculate a portion.

    Hope these answers helped.

    I meant a food scale, haha. Oops. Thank you so much! And congrats on your success!

    Oh lol. In that case they are totally worth it.