Anyone doing PiYo?

Hey all! Hope everyone is having a great night. I'm looking for other people who are doing PiYo or are wanting to start it! I've had the program for months but haven't been motivated to actually finish the whole 60 day program calendar. Would like some motivation if any at all. Thanks for reading! :)


  • amccoll83
    amccoll83 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey Gamergirl. I was thinking of trying that out since I've got a bit of a shoulder injury and lifting has become painful. That being said, I have a group on facebook with all kinds of people who are supportive and motivating. They do whatever they like to do for exercise. Within that are some mini groups and we have one specifically for PiYo. Let me know if this is something you might be interested in.

    How do you like it? Should I buckle down and buy it?
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    I was JUST looking into this. I'm gonna start it this coming Monday. I'd be happy to be your accountability buddy!
  • xSelliMarie
    I was JUST looking into this. I'm gonna start it this coming Monday. I'd be happy to be your accountability buddy!
    I was thinking of starting on Monday as well! Do you mind if I shoot you a friend request?
  • xSelliMarie
    amccoll83 wrote: »
    Hey Gamergirl. I was thinking of trying that out since I've got a bit of a shoulder injury and lifting has become painful. That being said, I have a group on facebook with all kinds of people who are supportive and motivating. They do whatever they like to do for exercise. Within that are some mini groups and we have one specifically for PiYo. Let me know if this is something you might be interested in.

    How do you like it? Should I buckle down and buy it?

    Sounds good! Can you give me the info via inbox? PiYo is great. I did it for a week straight before I gave up and it definitely helped me as far as stretching/toning. I lost a lot of weight and a bunch of inches that first week. It's fantastic.
  • SunflowerCat74
    SunflowerCat74 Posts: 258 Member
    I love piyo! My local gym offers piyo classes a few times a week. When I was going regularly I saw some awesome results. I took several months off last year and started back again a few months ago. My legs and arms already look much better and I'm getting stronger. Hope you ladies enjoy it as much as I do.
  • amandaiams
    amandaiams Posts: 73 Member
    i just purchased this today. I would love an accountability buddy(ies) as im horrible about finishing a program.
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    I have been doing Piyo for about a month now and I really enjoy it. I love the way I feel post workout and impressed my husband when I showed him how close to being able to do a split I was now.
  • Eattig
    Eattig Posts: 12 Member
    I love piyo! I am currently on month 2! I've had great results and feel stronger and more flexible. I will be repeating it again after month 2 as well.. Maybe mixing it with t25. Feel free to add me if you would like support!
  • Eleanor_82
    Eleanor_82 Posts: 57 Member
    is this something you can dip in and out of, or is it a progressive type of workout plan? I have the DVD but some parts look more my thing than others.
  • Brolivia3D
    Brolivia3D Posts: 80 Member
    I just started PiYo last week! I like it so far, I just gotta get used to shorter workouts I think. I still have the mentality that I need at least an hour to be effective.