Hi everyone! How are you losing the weight?



  • caspergirl7
    caspergirl7 Posts: 590 Member
    my biggest change was the amount of food i was eating.. i stopped snacking through out the day.. and cut down on soda a lot!! i can still lose weight without exercising BUT feel so much better when i do it!!
  • mistyme
    mistyme Posts: 26
    I exercise for about an hour (sometimes more) 6 days a week.
  • sum1s
    sum1s Posts: 23 Member
    Can anyone advise me of a way to increase my protein level without a ton of extra calories?

    Protein powder. I use an organic brown rice protein powder (unflavored) which contains 100 calories and 24 grams of protein per scoop. I add favors like vanilla extract and stevia for sweetening which raises it to 106 calories and 1 gram of sugar.
  • Hotdawgnothotdog
    Hotdawgnothotdog Posts: 179 Member
    Since July of 2012, I've been losing weight, at first it was accidentally, I enjoyed jumping on the trampoline and from it, was fortunate to lose weight, after realizing the weight loss, I started getting slowly more into it. At first I mostly just tried to keep to my trampoline and running a little (probably about 30 seconds a day, to give you an idea), I struggled with dieting on and off, and now I am so happy to say I have a current plan I love, until / unless I find flaws with it. I eat around the amount of calories MFP says I should have (sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less), and make sure to keep up with my exercises. I recently realized how active I am, unfortunately, because of inevitable factors, a lot of my exercising is unpredictable. But I have basics of what my goal is to get done, 20 minutes of jogging, 20 minutes of stationary bike, which also varies day by day as I'm trying to build up my time in both, still, I try to find all the time I can on the trampoline, I'm usually fortunate enough to get about 30 minutes on it. Also, I've cut out soda and sugary drinks (such as Sunny D) so I don't have to worry about those adding up calories, and thus, I only drink water. Though in proportion, I eat what I want but I do eat a little more healthy, more fruits, less bread, healthier cereal.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I'm 64. I'm set at 1700 cals. a day but sometimes eat more than that, but I'm always under goal because I exercise a lot. Living on a working farm does that for you. I have an elliptical machine, which I use most days, a beginner strength workout DVD and a couple of pair of dumbbells, and I've been losing weight slowly but very steadily. I don't do "cheat" or "binge" days at all, I don't see any profit in that, and I stay on the program, eating what I want but healthy ( I've never been much for fast food or high carb junk), eat a lot of vegetables, fruit and meat. I post everything I eat and I weigh in about once a week. Since I don't want to end up looking like a half melted candle I've been taking it slow. I've lost 15 lbs. in a little over 3 months, have more energy, I'm stronger, and I feel better than I have in years. Most importantly, it's easier for me to do farm work, gardening, stall cleaning, hay hauling, so forth. That's what works ( and very well) for me, anyway.
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    1. Calorie deficit (calorie goal is currently set at 1,430/day)
    2. Exercise (at least 5 days/week)

    Have cut out many processed foods and increased my consumption of fresh produce. My main focus is on sustainability and on keeping these good habits for life.
  • Allyice
    Allyice Posts: 122 Member
    I did it the way I tried to avoid all the years in my life because I thought it would take too long - exercise and changing my eating habits. Didn't really take as long as I thought it would to see results, wish I'd started sooner. It's just changing little things, like drink more water, drink green tea instead of soda, replace white bread with rye or wholemeal, eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. It's easy said than done, but once you do get yourself into the routine and you look back... it really does seem easy.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I'm doing a lot of exercise and making an effort to eat fresh, whole foods and avoid processed foods. This is working well for me, I'm losing about a pound per week.