40lbs in 7 months?

Would losing 40lbs in 7-8 months be an unrealistic goal? I'll be going on a cruise with my family in around 7-8 months, and my total weight loss goal is to be 40lbs down from what I'm at now. Is losing that in 7-8 months time doable to you? My daily calorie intake is usually 1200-1400 and I try and exercise for at LEAST 30 min per day (walking and jogging) around 5-6 times per week.
Realistic or no?


  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    edited February 2015
    I don't think it is unrealistic, if you are willing to work for it and do it properly. I've lost 33 pounds in 6 months and am now 1 lb from my goal weight (well, it was 1 lb, I revised it recently down 6 lbs but may move it back up). I set my MFP goals to lose .5 lbs per week but didn't eat back most of my exercise calories, and maintained a 1.5 lb loss per week for the first 5 months. I did work out at least 5 days a week, fairly strenuously, and have included some weight training since the beginning. I don't log things like housework or anything that I did before, while I was overweight.

    I would recommend using a food scale, and reading the sticky posts at the top of the various forums, starting with

    A guide to get you started on your path to Sexypants

    Logging accuracy, consistency, and you're probably eating more than you think.

    So you want a nice stomach

    Good luck!
  • SexyKatherine73
    SexyKatherine73 Posts: 221 Member
    if 40 pounds puts you in the healthy weight range ... the last 10 - 15 pounds could take you 6 months or more.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I did 44lbs in 7 months quite comfortably ...the last few months I was aiming for 0.5lbs a week

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    And this thread made me change my avatar ...too many cute dogs not to play along :smile:
  • pinkshoelaces
    pinkshoelaces Posts: 111 Member
    It's pretty dependent on what your weight is now. Weight tends to be more difficult to lose the smaller you are, but I don't think even if 40 lbs is all you need to lose that it'll be too unrealistic or impossible. You'll just need lots of hard work and dedication. Good luck!
  • rsb1023
    rsb1023 Posts: 32 Member
    My goal was 40 pounds & I did it in 8 and a half months I probably could have done it in 8 months but hit Christmas at 7 and a half months so it took me a couple of extra weeks
  • Clawsal
    Clawsal Posts: 255 Member
    I think it is totally doable. I am trying to lose 22 pounds in the next 5 months. I am already at a healthy weight so I am aiming for a loss of 1 pound a week. Its not because its your last pounds that it will take you forever to lose them!
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    For your age, this goal is not healthy and eating only 1200 calories is not health. You need to take slower steps and not set up random deadlines. You have your entire life ahead of you to look good and be healthy. Plus from your picture, I seriously doubt you have 40 lbs to lose.
  • Nathanmmx
    Nathanmmx Posts: 43 Member
    I started out at 275lb July 2013. By December 2013 I was 198lb so is doable, I did it healthy, if you have the right motivation it can be very easy. If not it can be a losing battle.
  • Paul_Collyer
    Paul_Collyer Posts: 160 Member
    edited February 2015
    It took me 6 months to lose 15kg when I started out, which took me down to a BMI of 28 or so. At this point I took up running quite seriously. I then got down another 5kg by the summer, around 4 months later, so you can see it was slowing.

    Since then I have stayed around 80kg or so, and used MFP in spells, but not bothered during summer, holidays etc. This last autumn I decided I'd have a real crack at getting down below 75kg which would take me to normal BMI. I found that the right macros made a big difference and I'm almost there, but it's taken me a few MFP spells to nail this formula. I guess what I am saying is as you get to target weight your macros probably become more important.

    Oh, and I have found whenever I reduced my calorie intake too much the whole thing became a pain and I didnt really lose any extra weight anyway. So I am now of the opinion a modest deficit with good macros is the best way.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Why the time limit? Yes it's doable, but set yourself up for success and sustainability, so you can keep it!
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    Shaystays wrote: »
    Would losing 40lbs in 7-8 months be an unrealistic goal? I'll be going on a cruise with my family in around 7-8 months, and my total weight loss goal is to be 40lbs down from what I'm at now. Is losing that in 7-8 months time doable to you? My daily calorie intake is usually 1200-1400 and I try and exercise for at LEAST 30 min per day (walking and jogging) around 5-6 times per week.
    Realistic or no?

    Could you do it? Yes you can!

    That being said I would recommend that you need a more serious workout program. If you do that you will need to raise your calories.

    There is more to "looking good in a swim suit" than weight loss. It is about "muscle sculpting" as well and genetics.

    Read "Strong Lifts, Strong Woman". It is a good read and cuts to the bottom line with the science of "looking good and weight loss".

  • I weigh 176 lbs right now. I started out at 204 lbs. My doctor told me to be a healthy weight I need to be anywhere from 130lbs-145lbs and NO MORE than 150lbs. My goal is around 130-140 lbs. So I'm literally following my doctors orders. So 30-40lbs to lose. I'm not really stuck at an exact number because I don't know what I'll look like 40 lbs down. But that's just a rough estimate of how much more I need to lose.

    I was just asking how realistic or unrealistic that was, so I don't get my hopes up. My reason is in 7-8 months me and my entire family are going on a Cruise, a family vacation. I wanted to be happy in a swimsuit, and not be running from the camera the entire time. May be a silly reason to you guys, but it's a goal for me.

  • It's not all for the cruise of course lol. I just didn't know how good or bad of a goal that was, if it wasn't a good one that's fine and I'd shoot for longer, I'm in this for the long-run, but it was just purely out of curiosity.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Shaystays wrote: »
    I weigh 176 lbs right now. I started out at 204 lbs. My doctor told me to be a healthy weight I need to be anywhere from 130lbs-145lbs and NO MORE than 150lbs. My goal is around 130-140 lbs. So I'm literally following my doctors orders. So 30-40lbs to lose. I'm not really stuck at an exact number because I don't know what I'll look like 40 lbs down. But that's just a rough estimate of how much more I need to lose.

    I was just asking how realistic or unrealistic that was, so I don't get my hopes up. My reason is in 7-8 months me and my entire family are going on a Cruise, a family vacation. I wanted to be happy in a swimsuit, and not be running from the camera the entire time. May be a silly reason to you guys, but it's a goal for me.

    I could see you hitting close to 1 lb per week until then if you put in the work. 30 lbs is possible imo. 40 might not be so easy but it's not impossible. If you are looking to do this for a cruise then at least make changes that you can live with forever so you don't potentially end up hitting your goal, going on your cruise then reverting back to old way and having this same dilemma again next year.

    Get control of you calories. Go start weight training if you haven't already as it will aid with muscle retention and achieving a better body composition when it comes time to put on a bathing suit.

    Don't set such a large single goal. Make smaller goals. 5 lbs at a time or 10. Then as you progress you can reevaluate what your end goal might end up being.

    I agree with this here. I think setting more short term goals leads you on the path to success with weight loss. You really have no idea if you will lose 40 lbs in 7 to 8 months because there may be some weeks you just do not lose weight.

    It is totally doable, but not a for sure bet. Good luck!
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I did 44lbs in 7 months quite comfortably ...the last few months I was aiming for 0.5lbs a week

    Your dog is so cute!! Seriously adorable!