Fitness band and hand swelling

I had a problem today where the back of my hand started feeling tender and there was fairly impressive swelling. I'm wondering if it may be because I had my MS Band on too tight?

I put an ice pack on it and switched the band to the other wrist loosely and that seems to have helped, though still mildly swollen.

Anyone else have this problem?


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    some bands have given users an allergic type reaction in the form of a skin abnormality. do a quick google search of your device to see if others have had similar issues.
  • gshifrin
    gshifrin Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks, I've been wearing the band continuously since October so probably not an allergic reaction to it. Maybe to something else though.

    After a night's sleep the swelling is mostly down. Still tender though.