Why will this time around be different!?

Like many people here, I have started and stopped diets a number of times. I once lost 40 pounds, but have since gained those back plus 30 more.

I realized this time will be different for me because it's Friday, and instead of feeling sad I will have to moderate alcohol and food all weekend, I am excited to have fun, but maintain my progress!!

How do you know this time will be different??


  • MsBeverleyH
    MsBeverleyH Posts: 99 Member
    For me it's different because I'm actually seeing changes. I've been tracking on MFP and exercising for months, but to no avail. Then finally something just... *clicked* and I'm down 3lbs with the knowledge that I'm going to keep going forever.
  • StrongLife
    StrongLife Posts: 525 Member
    Starts with attitude. Instead of "Why will this time around be different!?" Maybe say "Why this time will be different!"
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Because here I am 9 months later and still going strong!
  • jonesm97
    jonesm97 Posts: 39 Member
    I like this app because you get to see how many calories in each item we eat. Then I see of it's really worth me eating it.
  • fireguychris
    fireguychris Posts: 58 Member
    because if this time isn't different, than y bother trying? the definitition of insanity is trying the same thing over and expecting a different result. the last time didn't work for you, try again, but do something different.
    7 years ago i quit drinking (except for once or twice a year)
    3+ years ago i quit smoking.
    smoking i tried regularly to quit. what worked was changing how i looked at it. instead of looking at as not smoking ever again.. i looked at it as not smoking right now.
    last time i lost a signigicant amount of weight (40lbs) have sinced gained that plus 20. this time i changed what i am doing, AND including what worked. i know what didn't work. weighing myself regularly did not work... if the needle went up i was depressed.. down i was happy.. 2 months in the needle doesnt move as much as the first 2 months, you get more depressed..
    this time im not weighing myself as much.
    this time im going to add weight lifting not just cardio
    this time im aiming at a slower weight loss 1lb opposed to 2lb a week,
    this time im taking photos of myself so i can see the progress
  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    edited February 2015
    Lots of reasons. Primarily because I know I'm done having kids so I'm not thinking "what's the point of losing weight if I'm just gonna get pregnant and gain it all back again?"

    And because this time, my goals and expectations are far more realistic (not trying to lose 20lbs in two weeks or something similarly crazy)

    I am more accountable and responsible for my own choices. I am not blaming others when I make a bad food choice or am too lazy too workout. If I want this to happen, I have to make it happen - even when it sucks.

    I bought a food scale and am taking the time to measure, weigh and log every bite and sip that I consume.

    I am less concerned with the scale and more excited about small victories.

    When I turn down a big piece of cake I don't feel deprived, I feel empowered.

    All those things (and more) combined, make me certain that I will succeed this time.
  • kookykrazee
    kookykrazee Posts: 23 Member
    This time is different as my doctor said I need to work on my cholesterol and high blood pressure and also said I need to get out and exercise, preferably 45 minutes, 5x per week, when I already usually average more than twice that, which means I need to up the intensity AND eat healthier, consistently.

    1. My first thing was cutting out soda by midyear, already notice a big difference in my overall energy and feel along with losing about 8lbs in January.
    2. Eat less processed foods so that I control what goes in my body.

    Overall, this time is different as I am tired of not being able to run more than 1/4 mile and I set a target of at least 5 5k races this year along with training for a century ride and I can't do that if i am a tub of lard and keeling over with an asthma attack!
  • ibamosaserreinas
    ibamosaserreinas Posts: 294 Member
    I have a more realistic approach this time around. I eliminated a lot of foods last time. I felt deprived last time. I worked out way too long and too hard last time. I burned myself out. I also had an all or nothing attitude.

    1. This time around I am not approaching it like a "diet". I am approaching it like a long term lifestyle change. I have not eliminated any food but rather eat everything I want in moderation.

    2. I am also focusing on the idea of health. (My parents are aging and I see what they are going through and I am trying to take a more proactive approach.)

    3. Not all of my goals are goal weight related. I have various fitness goals instead.

    4. My mantra is "consistency and perseverance".
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,273 Member
    because if this time isn't different, than y bother trying? the definitition of insanity is trying the same thing over and expecting a different result. the last time didn't work for you, try again, but do something different.
    7 years ago i quit drinking (except for once or twice a year)
    3+ years ago i quit smoking.
    smoking i tried regularly to quit. what worked was changing how i looked at it. instead of looking at as not smoking ever again.. i looked at it as not smoking right now.
    last time i lost a signigicant amount of weight (40lbs) have sinced gained that plus 20. this time i changed what i am doing, AND including what worked. i know what didn't work. weighing myself regularly did not work... if the needle went up i was depressed.. down i was happy.. 2 months in the needle doesnt move as much as the first 2 months, you get more depressed..
    this time im not weighing myself as much.
    this time im going to add weight lifting not just cardio
    this time im aiming at a slower weight loss 1lb opposed to 2lb a week,
    this time im taking photos of myself so i can see the progress

    A whole lotta this...
    You are one smart dude. I wish I had figure this out before age 45, but glad I finally got it. I'm healthier in my mid-40s than I have been since age 19. Great attitude, fireguychris!
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    Because this time around I know of the wonderfully simple science of calories in, calories out. I wish I had known years ago that the formula was so bloody simple.
  • NaughtyNibbling
    NaughtyNibbling Posts: 11 Member
    i realize that the only person who is making me unhappy and keeping me from being happy is me.
  • solarigirl
    solarigirl Posts: 10 Member
    I was thinking about how I'd answer this question; I could say that it's because I'm at my highest weight ever, and I've finally hit my breaking point, I could say that I'm at a time in my life where I've finally realized that the 10 year long dream I've held of being fit needs to finally happen, or I could simply say that seeing the failure of the past few times has shown me that it needs to be different, it needs to be better.

    But the truth is, I don't know if it'll be different this time. All I can do is hope that I am stronger this time around, that I won't get distracted when I get stressed or lose faith. The only person who can make this time different is me, and it's something I'll be thinking about through every weak moment.