Runners or tennis players??

Any runners or tennis players out there?


  • mulch1999
    mulch1999 Posts: 30 Member
    Runner. Although hiding from snow on my treadmill and elliptical!
  • globalgamble
    globalgamble Posts: 15 Member
    Ha, don't have that problem (snow) here in Brasilia! I run at lunch, it's fantastic training! We are in the rainy season, so occasionally I have to hide inside too. Have you read any of Dean Karnazes books? Total runner junkie talk!! I need ideas for good energy foods. I've started running twice a day and I need more NRG to burn, good NRG. Mainly have been eating rice, beans, chicken (lunch), salads (dinner) apples, bananas and sport beans for snacks :) I'm not a total crazy junkie, just a little! Increasing my runs b/c I am headed to Cancun in 4 weeks, and I haven't been able to play as much tennis b/c of a fatigued arm... anyway, I will welcome any junkie talk, and especially NRG food tips!!!!!!!!!!

    What's your average weekly mileage??