white rice vs. brown?



  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member
    Yup, brown rice is healthier.

    OP asked for reasons why. Please eleborate on your opinion.
  • DeeTee68
    DeeTee68 Posts: 198 Member
    Yup, brown rice is healthier.

    Based on which scientific fact or study ?
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    runner475 wrote: »

    How big is rice in your everyday diet?
    If it something that you cook everyday then here is the data you may want to look at

    Brown Rice Cooked (Grams), 100 gms Calories 111 Proteins 3 Carbs 23 Fiber 2
    White Rice Cooked (Grams), 100 gms Calories 130 Proteins 3 Carbs 28 Fiber 0
    Yup, brown rice is healthier.
    Those 19 calories and 2 grams of fibre are huuuuuuuuge differences, yeup.

  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    DeeTee68 wrote: »
    Brown Rice is evil along with any whole grains read any of the works by Anthony Colpo they will open your eyes on dieting for ever.

    Disclaimer: I Have no connection to Anthony Colpo at all, I just believe in what he says.
    He likes to swear a lot and get emotional...... not boring at least.

  • ksmi141
    ksmi141 Posts: 72 Member
    Lots of good info above! I didn't know tannin was what was in brown rice [I'm assuming that contributes to the color]! Tannins act as protein blockers, attaching to molecules and prohibiting you from being able to access all the available nutrients. We see deer die of nutrient deprivation with guts full of tannin heavy food. Our diets are usually so varied that losing some nutrients here and there doesn't make much differance. But the same tannins are found, in small quantinies, in tea and coffee, and a lot of nuts. So, if you're frequent tea and coffee drinkers, maybe white rice is a better alternative. However, like I said, you're probably looking at such small amounts that are being tied up, I don't think it matters much in the end game. So, eat whichever you like.

    Personally, I enjoy Jasmine rice since I do a lot of Asian meals. Cooks quicker and I love the texture much better than regular white or brown rice.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    ksmi141 wrote: »
    Lots of good info above! I didn't know tannin was what was in brown rice [I'm assuming that contributes to the color]! Tannins act as protein blockers, attaching to molecules and prohibiting you from being able to access all the available nutrients. We see deer die of nutrient deprivation with guts full of tannin heavy food. Our diets are usually so varied that losing some nutrients here and there doesn't make much differance. But the same tannins are found, in small quantinies, in tea and coffee, and a lot of nuts. So, if you're frequent tea and coffee drinkers, maybe white rice is a better alternative. However, like I said, you're probably looking at such small amounts that are being tied up, I don't think it matters much in the end game. So, eat whichever you like.

    Personally, I enjoy Jasmine rice since I do a lot of Asian meals. Cooks quicker and I love the texture much better than regular white or brown rice.
    I like basmati myself, and a brand called RAVI specifically........ it's scent and taste is head and shoulders better than anything I've tasted....... first had it in India and continue to eat it. Thanks for the deer story.

  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    edited February 2015
    My mom gave a box of brown rice to me because they don't like it. I don't like it either but am on a budget, so now I'm mixing 1/3 brown with 2/3 white. Will stick to white in the future thankyouverymuch.
  • ksmi141
    ksmi141 Posts: 72 Member

    ksmi141 wrote: »
    Lots of good info above! I didn't know tannin was what was in brown rice [I'm assuming that contributes to the color]! Tannins act as protein blockers, attaching to molecules and prohibiting you from being able to access all the available nutrients. We see deer die of nutrient deprivation with guts full of tannin heavy food. Our diets are usually so varied that losing some nutrients here and there doesn't make much differance. But the same tannins are found, in small quantinies, in tea and coffee, and a lot of nuts. So, if you're frequent tea and coffee drinkers, maybe white rice is a better alternative. However, like I said, you're probably looking at such small amounts that are being tied up, I don't think it matters much in the end game. So, eat whichever you like.

    Personally, I enjoy Jasmine rice since I do a lot of Asian meals. Cooks quicker and I love the texture much better than regular white or brown rice.
    I like basmati myself, and a brand called RAVI specifically........ it's scent and taste is head and shoulders better than anything I've tasted....... first had it in India and continue to eat it. Thanks for the deer story.

    Not trying to scare anyone from brown rice with the deer story! These were extreme situations where the deer ate off the chart amounts of tannin for a long time! Just an example of "everything in moderation". Eating extremely high levels of anything is bound to cause problems. Just be wary that what the label says and what your body absorbs are different with brown rice.
  • DeeTee68
    DeeTee68 Posts: 198 Member
    edited February 2015
    ksmi141 wrote: »

    Lots of good info above! I didn't know tannin was what was in brown rice [I'm assuming that contributes to the color]! Tannins act as protein blockers, attaching to molecules and prohibiting you from being able to access all the available nutrients. We see deer die of nutrient deprivation with guts full of tannin heavy food.
    Just be wary that what the label says and what your body absorbs are different with brown rice.

    Spot on this is why all Whole Grains are evil. Thank you somebody with knowledge and sense.
  • LavenderLeaves
    LavenderLeaves Posts: 195 Member
    Imo the difference in micros between brown and white are negligible. Certain types also vary by a gram or 2 here and there of things like fibre and protein. I personally don't eat rice all that often, so when I do, I eat it for taste. I don't care much for regular long-grain brown rice, but I do love wild rice and black rice, for instance. I also will gobble up steamed short-grain rice. I just think it's better to go with what you like by taste.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    There is barely a difference, like as others said above. Eat whichever fits.
    I like brown rice with certain dishes but most of the time white rice is the winner.
  • liftingandlipstick
    liftingandlipstick Posts: 1,857 Member
    This is waay off topic, but just in case you're interested: there are WAY more types of rice than just white and brown. Black, red, wild, long/short grain, basamati, jasmine . . . I like all of them, but white is still my staple. It's cheapest, and the price difference outweighs any nutritional differences, to me at least. I do usually have at least one other in my pantry though- usually black or red.

    You could also try quinoa, orzo pasta or barley in place of rice in many dishes. Again, little enough nutritional difference, but taste and texture play in differently.