Feeling kinda down

I went for my annual physical today came home with a high blood pressure monitor.


  • siouxzcue
    siouxzcue Posts: 22 Member
    Awww, dang, Cookie! Sorry to hear it! Make sure you check the pressure daily about the same time and at a time that is calm. Keep that log to share with your doc at your follow up. If they didn't put you on meds yet, consider adding a potassium supplement to your daily agenda. It can help to naturally lower blood pressure. Follow label directions, but pay close attention to the bowels. Everyone is different in their tolerance levels, but a little too much will loosen the bowels up quite intensely! Just back off a bit if you notice softer goings....Stick with the diet and MFP. Weight loss is one of the greatest influences on blood pressure!
  • justbrydson
    justbrydson Posts: 9 Member
    I had a similar experience and am feeling frustrated myself. I don't have a monitor yet but she wants to see me every month until we get it under control. I'm glad I'm not the only one I was pretty devastated. Your not alone