Eating times



  • Cc215
    Cc215 Posts: 228 Member
    Yes - your body's functions slow down when you sleep. But that happens whether or not you eat just before you go to bed. When you wake up things speed back up again - it all balances out.

    I get so many calories a day. The way my life and my personal preferences work means that eating my main meal of the day is in the evening, and that is often late at night.

    I could stop eating at 5pm. But I would be starving by the time I go to bed. I wouldn't sleep well because of that. And, I'd been down right miserable most of the time. I would not stick to that plan.

    What matters is calories in v calories out. How you do that and how you time that is down to works for you. But it'll still work whichever way you settle on.