Whose stupid idea was it to take a picture straight on?



  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    While it's important to track your progress, remember that photographs can vary even if you move your body an inch. I also think that some shapes photograph differently than others. I think I look OK in this shot, but if it were head on, I would look bigger. Curvy girls photograph chubby. Period. I'm sure it's the same for guys. Shoot the pic and don't look at it for a while. =) Good luck.
  • dingbat5
    Re-take those pictures that took you out of your comfort zone in a month or two, you'll be absolutely shocked.
    Someone else has mentioned the trouble of how photos can vary if even off by an inch, and have discovered this problem myself. Things that help me overcome this: put the camera on a tripod (or a surface that never moves), always at the same height, and if you have tiles, align the feet of the tripod to a specific tile. When you take your pictures, have an object as a spacer between your feet (always use the same object) so your legs are always the same distance apart. I use a DVD case :)
    Good luck with your weightloss adventures... if you slip up (if you're like me, you will) just remember that what makes successful people successful is their ability to get up and try again despite their failure(s). All the best!
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    I just took my six month photos. I do them every 3 months. One set with the same outfit on and one shirtless. I do front, side and back.

    For me these are really motivating. I "only" lost 18 pounds this time compared to 27 pounds the first three months, but when I have the photos side by side I can still see a huge difference.

    I'm not sure I'll ever post my first photos in the success stories, but having them is key for my motivation. Also, taking them on a regular schedule seems to help.

    I hope your before pictures are as motivating in three months as mine have been.
  • edwin1216
    Except your flaws, embraced them and then smoother them(take care of the problem). That way your enemies can't use them against you to break your drive! Use it for motivation!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I didn't feel like I was that big when I 1st started this process, but now, looking back...I'm like, "Dang." But it's all part of the process. Embrace who you are on your way to where you're going!
  • dwaggs01
    dwaggs01 Posts: 13 Member
    dingbat5 wrote: »
    Re-take those pictures that took you out of your comfort zone in a month or two, you'll be absolutely shocked.
    Someone else has mentioned the trouble of how photos can vary if even off by an inch, and have discovered this problem myself. Things that help me overcome this: put the camera on a tripod (or a surface that never moves), always at the same height, and if you have tiles, align the feet of the tripod to a specific tile. When you take your pictures, have an object as a spacer between your feet (always use the same object) so your legs are always the same distance apart. I use a DVD case :)
    Good luck with your weightloss adventures... if you slip up (if you're like me, you will) just remember that what makes successful people successful is their ability to get up and try again despite their failure(s). All the best!

    Good tip. I had the phone setup in a specific spot and my body in a specific spot but, I didn't think about the position of my feet.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I have two regrets from my time losing weight. The first one is that I didn't resistance train. The second is that I didn't take a before picture. You'll be glad you have that photo later. :flowerforyou: