Leslie Sansone Walk At Home Challenge- Start 14 June



  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
  • rjm8185
    rjm8185 Posts: 81 Member
    According to varous forums I've looked at 4mph is the closest, funny I always find the DVD's harder than any walking I've done outside, probable because of the extra speed and arm movements you do on the DVD's. Remember though is only an estimate and everyones different but at least its exercise, good luck Melodyg, do you have a target for the month?

    There are over 30 of us now taking part in this challenge which is just brilliant!!!
  • mrs3stan
    mrs3stan Posts: 2 Member
    This is my first board reply... So, I'm kind of a newbie. I just did one of her dvd's for the first time today, and I am in love! I'm gonna join the challenge, and set my goal as 80miles.
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Welcome to the group.
  • rjm8185
    rjm8185 Posts: 81 Member
    This is my first board reply... So, I'm kind of a newbie. I just did one of her dvd's for the first time today, and I am in love! I'm gonna join the challenge, and set my goal as 80miles.

    Thats great, Welcome to the SWaT team Challenge, Good Luck
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    According to varous forums I've looked at 4mph is the closest, funny I always find the DVD's harder than any walking I've done outside, probable because of the extra speed and arm movements you do on the DVD's. Remember though is only an estimate and everyones different but at least its exercise, good luck Melodyg, do you have a target for the month?

    There are over 30 of us now taking part in this challenge which is just brilliant!!!

    Thanks! I think one reason walking outside is harder for me is that I am usually walking on concrete and it is insanely hot and humid here right now! :) I tend to vary on how much I do the arm movements on the DVDs too... depending on whether or not I've done other strength training or just how tired I am!

    My goal is 40 miles... though I'm walking for time doing that C25K early weeks so I may update that at some point. I think 40 is do-able though!
  • lfinley2010
    lfinley2010 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in for the challenge gonna do 80 miles in the month.
  • I'm in. I love Leslie Sansone. I have an old VHS workout and I bought the 3 mile walk at home, Walk Away Your Waistline. It has a walk belt with it and I do enjoy using it.

    I will set my goal at 50 miles for the challenge. I will try to make it more but don't want to miss the mark. Thanks for putting this challenge together. I too, love to have people to work towards a similar goal. It makes it more fun for me.

    Good luck everyone. And remember, tomorrow is a new day!
  • wilkypoo
    wilkypoo Posts: 52
    I'm in.... have some disabilities so I'm not sure my goal just yet. I will update that soon.
    Thanks for the invite ---this sounds fun and will hopefully give me the motivation and support I need.
  • rjm8185
    rjm8185 Posts: 81 Member
    Thats great, Good luck everyone Rob
  • hemcwhorter
    hemcwhorter Posts: 22 Member
    :wink: I am in. I plan on doing 5 miles a day 5 days a week.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I'm in! I just recently added my old buddy Leslie back into my daily routine! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her workouts and I have a bunch of them!

    I am going to aim for 25 miles a week.

    For anyone who is interested--exercisetv.tv has quite a few of her workouts available for instant download (and they cost less, too!).
  • rjm8185
    rjm8185 Posts: 81 Member

    Thanks everyone, its not too late to join. Rob
  • I just got a ticker for the walking, very handy
  • campsallmel
    campsallmel Posts: 12
    How are you guys logging your exercise when doing the Leslie Sansone dvds. I am doing the 4 mile express version. I just have no idea on how to log because you are definitely doing more then just walking so therefore burning more calories ? Any advice ?
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,100 Member
    How are you guys logging your exercise when doing the Leslie Sansone dvds. I am doing the 4 mile express version. I just have no idea on how to log because you are definitely doing more then just walking so therefore burning more calories ? Any advice ?

    I found from one of her posts that u should count it like this and u will have to create the workout on here

    u can typically burn 100 calories per mile with just walking
    u can burn between 125-150 calories per mile when doing the dvds with boosted walking
  • beckers80
    beckers80 Posts: 133 Member
    I am recovering from a back injury just finished her walk/jog DVD. I am in!
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    I am in! I have her DVDs and I also walk on my Curves program. I am disabled and I try to walk 30 minutes to an hour everyday if possible. I am going to set my goal at 30 miles. That is 1 mile per day.....I may be able to do more but not sure. Thanks for setting up this group/challenge.

  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    uggh... why on earth would this pop up when it's such an old post?!?!
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