Help me gain a few? I've been anorexic for too long...

i have suffered through being anerexic for over 3 years. I am now trying to get out of it and need help gaining weight. Everything I eat, seems to fall off of me even though I'm eating a lot of food. My calorie intake is supposed to be 2,305 and I usually eat more than that. Can you please help me? Anyone?


  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    Be patient, I'm sure your body needs time to adjust to the added calories. Good job on addressing your illness and actively trying to improve your health.
  • MadisynRain
    MadisynRain Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you. But I've been trying for months now
  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    Thank you. But I've been trying for months now

    Are you certain that you actually eating 2300+ calories every day? Your perception of portion sizes may still be skewed from your ED. If you aren't measuring and weighing foods already, I'd say that would be a great place to start
  • NJGamerChick
    NJGamerChick Posts: 467 Member
    Refeeding is usually upwards of 3000+ calories as the metabolism increases. Some people need upwards of 5000 calories until the metabolism returns to normal.
  • NJGamerChick
    NJGamerChick Posts: 467 Member
    Codilee87 wrote: »
    Thank you. But I've been trying for months now

    Are you certain that you actually eating 2300+ calories every day? Your perception of portion sizes may still be skewed from your ED. If you aren't measuring and weighing foods already, I'd say that would be a great place to start

    Weighing and measuring food for someone who has an eating disorder is very dangerous. It could be very triggering for them as that is a key behaviour for many sufferers. It is very much discouraged in recovery.
  • MadisynRain
    MadisynRain Posts: 20 Member
    Yeah, it says I am. I don't measure out food. I never have, I just wasn't eating for 2 days at a time then I'd eat for a day. I didn't have it because I thought I was fat. I was stressed with school and I was working impossible hours for my job and I just forgot to eat. Soon, I just didn't want to eat and I wasn't hungry
  • NJGamerChick
    NJGamerChick Posts: 467 Member
    Good to hear. I know many where it was a numbers game. I understand the lack of hunger a bit too well...
  • MadisynRain
    MadisynRain Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks. It's just frustrating not being able to get a new job because no one wants to hire a twig
  • NJGamerChick
    NJGamerChick Posts: 467 Member
    Thanks. It's just frustrating not being able to get a new job because no one wants to hire a twig

    *hugs* Just keep at it. All you can do is eat as calorie dense as you can. Think of everything they tell you not to do. Fried, buttered, cream in everything, sugar. That is what is done in hospital. Eventually the body will slow to normal and you'll start to gain, then you can drop the calories slowly to control the gain, replacing with things that are better for you. Also, check out those Ensure and Boost shakes. Drink those as snacks (another thing they employ in hospitals for weight restoration).
  • MadisynRain
    MadisynRain Posts: 20 Member
    I've tried those! My boyfriend at the time said my breath smelled like baby formula! Haha! But yeah, I'll try things like that. This stupid disorder has ruined so many of my relationships-you've got no idea! It makes the stress worse, by far
  • NJGamerChick
    NJGamerChick Posts: 467 Member
    I might. :\ I've not tried the shakes. Last time I was in the same situation, I managed to avoid hospital. I opted for the bed rest route. Feel free to add me if you need a friend on here. :)
  • MadisynRain
    MadisynRain Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you!!! So, you were anorexic?
  • NJGamerChick
    NJGamerChick Posts: 467 Member
    Is that the vibe I give?

    I've had issues with food always. My memories of my eating habits only start at the age of 5. I won't go into it on here cuz paranoia.
  • MadisynRain
    MadisynRain Posts: 20 Member
    Oh, I understand. Can you add me first? I can't get it to add you and I'd like to. I'm sorry if I insulted you. I didn't mean for it to sound that way.
  • NJGamerChick
    NJGamerChick Posts: 467 Member
    No way! You didn't insult me. Just a topic of discomfort, really. Adding you now.
  • duckykissy
    duckykissy Posts: 285 Member
    I don't know if you have started them but prenatal vitamins might be something to look into- help recover some of those vitamins. Avocado and other high fat/protein smoothies also can help you add some weight too. Both were very helpful for my sister to gain weight and get healthy when she was recovering from a severe drug abuse problem. I don't remember what all was in them, but I think her smoothies were mostly whole milk, avocado, chocolate, and berries. While she was recovering she was also staying with our grandma who made a lot of stereotypical grandma foods: meat and potatoes, biscuits and gravy, roast chicken, breaded & stuffed chicken, etc. So although I'm not saying I think you should go for anything and everything fried, maybe those heavier and heartier meals might also help you get the calories you need.
  • MadisynRain
    MadisynRain Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you so much
  • helenmelon2389
    helenmelon2389 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! I'm also a twig and struggle with gaining weight. I am not anorexic, just have a high metabolism, but hats off to you for being so open with everyone! Are you working out at all? The only thing that helps me gain weight, in addition to the eating is lifting heavy.
  • MadisynRain
    MadisynRain Posts: 20 Member
    Hello! I'm also a twig and struggle with gaining weight. I am not anorexic, just have a high metabolism, but hats off to you for being so open with everyone! Are you working out at all? The only thing that helps me gain weight, in addition to the eating is lifting heavy.

    I don't usually lift weights unless I have to get firewood. But my metabolism is really high too. I used to run five miles a day doing cross country and so that's why it's so high. And thank you! Maybe we can help each other
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I recommend peanut butter, cheese, full fat dairy products, cashews, high-cacao chocolate, high quality bread with olive oil and herbs on it. And pasta! Eat Italian a lot. :) I'm Sicilian. I wish you were local, I could put the weight on you so fast lol.