MFP says 1800 some cal

I just started MFP a about 5 days ago and it tells me I should be eating like 1860 calories... That seems REALLY high. So I stick around 1400 a day. I'm 5'11 though.. Al together I have about 25 pounds to lose but right now I'm shooting for 15. Started workout out 2 weeks ago (:


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Welcome to MFP
  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    Hey amber! glad to have you on mfp! stick with the 1800 calories, yes it is alot of food but the more you can eat and lose weight the better! hower with those 1800 calories you should not be eating back you exercise calories. So that means you get 1800 calories per day no matter what. Keep plugging in you are gonna do great!
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Hey amber! glad to have you on mfp! stick with the 1800 calories, yes it is alot of food but the more you can eat and lose weight the better! hower with those 1800 calories you should not be eating back you exercise calories. So that means you get 1800 calories per day no matter what. Keep plugging in you are gonna do great!

    This is incorrect. MFP uses the NEAT method, in which users are expected to enter and eat back a portion of their exercise calories. Which means the OP can eat more than 1860 and lose weight once exercise calories are included.

    OP, I'm 5'6" and I eat 1800 calories per day (that includes my exercise calories). 1860 sounds right for someone with your stats before exercise. Undereating carries a lot of risks, including increasing the risk of burnout and injury in exercise. It may seem like a lot of calories, but for an active adult female on the taller side, it really is right where you should be.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Maybe you should go by what the calculators are recommending based on your stats instead of assuming that 1800 calories is a lot of calories. Because it isn't. I eat 2200 to low no more than 0.5lbs/week, 2000 for ~1lb/week.

    And yes...\
    Hey amber! glad to have you on mfp! stick with the 1800 calories, yes it is alot of food but the more you can eat and lose weight the better! hower with those 1800 calories you should not be eating back you exercise calories. So that means you get 1800 calories per day no matter what. Keep plugging in you are gonna do great!

    ...This is incorrect. Both on the claim that 1800 is a lot of calories and that 1800 is her gross intake. Assuming she entered in her activity levels correctly , 1860 is her net.
  • amber_catastrophe
    Thank you all so much!!! (: I appreciate it