Looking for some cheerful influences!

solarigirl Posts: 10 Member
edited February 2015 in Introduce Yourself
So I've tried to change my eating habits and lifestyle so many times before, but I inevitably fall back into the cycle of eating junk food and being lazy. Looking back on it, I've realized that I needed positive motivators in my life, people going through the same thing that I could share successes, tips, recipes and motivating thoughts with. So this time, I'm hoping that I can add some of you, and not go on this journey alone like I did so many times before.

A little about myself, I'm Emma, I'm 20 years old and I'm Irish, but I'm studying in the beautiful Denmark. I'm hoping to lose 40 pounds or so by July or August, bringing me from 170ish to around 130 (or whatever feels/looks the best!) but that's obviously just the end goal, as long as I feel good, I'm happy! So feel free to introduce yourself here, or just add me, we can help each other out! o:)