Coming back after back injury

I had a bad back injury recently and trying to get back on the bike. It's not easy to get and stay motivated with pain every morning. Today was my best ride but I have lost strength on my left leg and trying not to overdo my workouts. I'm seeing the Neuro doc next week. Any thoughts out there? Appreciate positive vibes. znms4te6cqfb.jpg


  • priyaFitnessFreak
    priyaFitnessFreak Posts: 105 Member
    Hi! Sorry to hear about your back injury! They are the worst. I have had herniated disc in my lower back twice in the past. The 1st time I wasn't working out at all, but the 2nd time was when I'd just started working out and really wanted to continue that. What really worked for me was working with a physical therapist once every 2 weeks and then doing those exercises on my own twice a day. The cobra pose really helps with lower back issues. You can find it on YouTube. Walking every day helps too. I think you should start slowly and do a lot of stretching before and after workouts. All the best!
  • thorvike75
    thorvike75 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you so much. I do have a disk extrusion causing me lost of leg strength,pain and numbness. I found that cobra pose does help before and after my workouts. I also find that unless someone has had a back injury they really don't understand the pain associated wit the pain. I'm out Gonna try and walk 2 miles tomorrow.
  • priyaFitnessFreak
    priyaFitnessFreak Posts: 105 Member
    You can also do the Bridge for strengthening your core. Most importantly, be patient. Hopefully you'll be a lot better in 2-3 weeks. In my case, sitting made it worse. So even though I have to sit at a desk for 8-9 hrs every day, I try to get up up an walk every hour or so.