What do I eat?!

I'm trying to find snacks and dinner options that are healthy and will keep me full but are also easy to make and I can bring to class or work.

My usual go-to is fruits, but there's only so much fruit I can consume in a week without getting sick of it. My dinner is generally a turkey sandwich, salmon, or tuna with a side of corn or tofu.

What does your typical weekly shopping list look like and what are your favorite things to snack on? :-)


  • pavingnewpaths
    pavingnewpaths Posts: 367 Member
    Anyone? :#
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member
    ^^^ This, friend. Just eat what you like, but less of it. :)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Food?! Food you like?!
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    If you're looking at "how do I pack a good bag lunch or dinner that isn't boring" I'd suggest looking at Bento websites for ideas. Not the cutesy ones, but like Laptop Lunches or Just Bento. Do as much prep on one day as you can--cut up your veg, make a batch of meatballs or chicken skewers or whatever, and then all you have to do is put it all together in the morning.
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    My week varies and often times it's what the other posters said - food that I like. I try to prep for the upcoming week on Friday night when I'm relaxing after work or after the gym. I grab my laptop and a pad of paper and look for new healthy recipes to mix in with some old favorites. I make out a big list of everything I'm going to eat in the upcoming week, taking into account special time constraints, events, or anything else going on.

    I then take my list with me on Saturday morning when I go to the gym (I do my grocery shopping immediately after my workout, protein shake in hand) and then head home. Depending on what's going on that weekend, I'll either do some basic meal-prep on Saturday or on Sunday so that I don't feel overwhelmed after getting out of work during the week.

    OP... there are a TON of great websites out there with lots of healthy recipes that will fit your tastes, budget, and time-limits. Even doing some quick searches on Pinterest can be helpful. The best tip I have is to have a plan for the week, spend some time doing prep on the weekends or when you have a few extra hours (or however long it would take you), and weigh and/or portion meals as appropriate.

    Good luck!