Throwing in the Towel/Waiving that White Flag



  • meglettx
    meglettx Posts: 6 Member
    I definitely agree 100% to the suggestions that you see a dr. It's hard to find a good one because not all of them know what they're doing in regards to thyroids/hormones but honey I was so fat and so miserable for so long. The more I dieted and worked out the higher the scale went. I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. I finally got tired and gave up for awhile. Then I went to a dr and found out my thyroid was sluggish. Once I started taking Armour Thyroid to give it a boost the pounds began melting off! I recently hit a plateau about where you are now (I started out at 230 and got down to 185) and after my engagement I've gone back up a few pounds but I had quit exercising. I am SO convinced that if your hormones are out of whack there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO to make the weight come off. You gotta get those hormones figured out. You sound very much like I did with the tired and miserable. I didn't even realize just how badly I felt until I felt better!! Keep your chin up, find a dr in your area who knows about thyroids and hormones and see what yours is doing.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    hmmm... you have gotten a lot of advice here and I'm not sure that mine is going to be anything groundbreaking....
    In the course of my weight loss, I focused on cardio and calorie counting. When I would hit a plateau, I would incorporate HIIT training. It made all the difference.

    After I got to my lowest adult weight ever (123 lbs- less than when I didn't eat at all), I had decided I wanted to eat more and strength train. Since then, I've gained almost 20 lbs. Interestingly, I have only gained about 1.5" on my waist in that time. I think the scale is not the best judge of progress.
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 390 Member
    Your math is off 10 pounds in a year is not .5/week.

    Did you miss the part where I said I wasn't logging for the past few weeks while I was in Hawaii attending a funeral?

    Will try to get my hormones checked. I actually had them done recently when I was a Volunteer Fire Fighter in Fall 2012 but maybe they've changed.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I am 5'9" and my weight has been in the 170s for over a year. I do strength training and HIIT. I was eating 1800 - 2200 and maintaining in the 170s. I recently dropped my calories to 1600 without eating back exercise calories and started losing again. I agree with others who have said that maybe your calories are a bit high.

    I know there are varied opinions about "eating more to lose more" but it doesn't always work for everyone. Some people need to eat less to lose more.
  • gangstagirl625
    gangstagirl625 Posts: 187 Member
    I burn about 500-1100 calories a day and I've done my TDEE research, trust me it's not too high. When I was eating 1200/day I also didn't lose weight I've done pretty much everything considerable within reason. Eaten more, eaten less. More Cardio, less cardio, No Carbs, less carbs, low sodium, etc, etc.

    I'm actually not fit looking at all. I'm pretty soft in that aspect. I DO NOT GO BY THE SCALE NUMBER i've been at this for a year I don't like the way I look, clothes don't fit well and I continue to gain weight and/or stay the same.

    I Measure EVERYTHING. Neck, arms, waist, chest, hips thighs, and every where in between. I think I've lost a total of 3 inches in my waist in a YEAR. It's super disheartening to not even physically look good after a year of hard work.
    no offense but it sounds like not matter what anyone says to you, you have your mind made up so good luck with your journey that you have made. but whose to say that if you didn't log and workout the way you do maybe you would have gained 15 pounds the last year.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Weight loss is about calories in vs calories out. I don't see how there's any possibility that you know what your calories in actually are since your diary is 1/2 empty (and I'm talking about all the back in April, not the past few weeks). If you don't know how many calories you are actually consuming, it's impossible to know what to change. You can eat too many calories of nothing but "clean" food. Weigh and measure the food you are eating. Log it all. Do that for 2 months consistently. All day every day. Weigh yourself. If you lost, good. If you gained or stayed the same, you're eating too many calories. Adjust accordingly. But you absolutely must know how many calories you are consuming-which requires weighing and measuring every bite of food and logging it all.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    Your math is off 10 pounds in a year is not .5/week.

    My bad! I read it as 10 pounds since Jan 2013. Check your tdee again, take a 15% cut from that and reevaluate in another month. Obsessive calorie counting and logging is not necessary. I only use the quick add option and keep up with mine. Hope you find success!
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 339 Member
    tiredness - check your vit D levels
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    Weight loss is about calories in vs calories out. I don't see how there's any possibility that you know what your calories in actually are since your diary is 1/2 empty (and I'm talking about all the back in April, not the past few weeks). If you don't know how many calories you are actually consuming, it's impossible to know what to change. You can eat too many calories of nothing but "clean" food. Weigh and measure the food you are eating. Log it all. Do that for 2 months consistently. All day every day. Weigh yourself. If you lost, good. If you gained or stayed the same, you're eating too many calories. Adjust accordingly. But you absolutely must know how many calories you are consuming-which requires weighing and measuring every bite of food and logging it all.
    Yes exactly this. Log EVERYTHING to the gram for 4 weeks and see what happens.
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 390 Member
    I think I'll follow some of the advice here and try to lower my calories while sticking with my carb cycling and track. I really don't have time to measure out my food but I will do better to try and track more. May was a rough month for tracking I was on a business trip where I was working and in sight of my boss 12 hours a day (no time to log, even on my phone) then I was in Hawaii for a little over 2 weeks at the end of May for a funeral.

    I do have a lot of food allergies that keep me away from some foods (I can't eat red meat or Mayo for example) I also have an aversion to some of the healthier foods (Avocado, Soy and Cucumbers) so what I can eat is somewhat limited. I stay away from non-whole wheat stuff though my husband hates wheat pasta so we settled on the garden vegetable kind.

    We moved to California in Feb and my tracking has truly been hit or miss since then simply because of the move and stress and money.

    I will see if I can find a doctor to check my hormone levels. Thanks for making me listen. I'll stick around and see if I can't get things to be better.
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    You need to excuse proof your own weight have given an excuse for almost everything. You don't do restrictive diets but you do carb cycling...same type of thing no?

    You have time to come on here and ask for advice, you have time to plan out a meal for tomorrow's lunch or tomorrows supper so you are well prepared. Have snacks on hand so you can grab and go.

    Log consistently.....mfp won't work if you don't actually log regardless, you will never ever be sure how much you are eating even without mfp....write it down and keep a journal.

    Really it comes down to you, you either want it or you don't. You need to excuse proof yourself so that you can attain what you want. Hope you figure it out. Unfortunately, you really do have your mind set on how you want it to be so it really is pointless to look for advice you don't intend to use, hopefully you did actually take something away from alot of the great advice here.

    You will figure it out if you want it bad enough.
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 390 Member
    Wow, unnecessary ... I just admitted right before your post that I needed to do better and log consistently... but you're very good at making people feel like crap...

    Carb Cycling is not a restrictive diet it doesn't limit the food I consume just the carbs I eat. I can still eat a banana a day just not with a giant bowl of cereal4 days out of the week. It's basically just watching my carbs not saying I can't have dairy, gluten or meat. I've actually found it very helpful and easy and not restrictive at all. It makes me pay attention to my foods and I set my carbs at a level I can manage. The Carb Nite restricts your carbs so low and I can't go that low for that long. I've literally done extreme low/no carb once and lost chunks of my hair.

    I work from home so I don't really need to plan anything out I keep most processed foods out of my home and there for am left with healthy snacks easily obtainable.

    I apologize all if it looks like I was making excuses I was getting frustrated after a year of trying and still being unhappy with what I see in the mirror.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,103 Member
    Hi Leila,

    I'm 5'8.5" and I cannot eat as many calories as you, or I would gain weight.

    "Throwing in the towel" isn't going to be the right answer....whatever shape you want, you can have - you just have to be willing to put in the time, and the work!

    You can do it!
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    Wow, unnecessary ... I just admitted right before your post that I needed to do better and log consistently... but you're very good at making people feel like crap...

    Carb Cycling is not a restrictive diet it doesn't limit the food I consume just the carbs I eat. I can still eat a banana a day just not with a giant bowl of cereal4 days out of the week. It's basically just watching my carbs not saying I can't have dairy, gluten or meat. I've actually found it very helpful and easy and not restrictive at all. It makes me pay attention to my foods and I set my carbs at a level I can manage. The Carb Nite restricts your carbs so low and I can't go that low for that long. I've literally done extreme low/no carb once and lost chunks of my hair.

    I work from home so I don't really need to plan anything out I keep most processed foods out of my home and there for am left with healthy snacks easily obtainable.

    I apologize all if it looks like I was making excuses I was getting frustrated after a year of trying and still being unhappy with what I see in the mirror.

    Hilarious....Actually I support all of my friends very well, i just don't think excuses are the answer for anyone.

    I think as women, we find it very easy to nitpick ourselves constantly and are never truly happy with the way our bodies look, we are our own worst enemies. If we finally find something good about ourselves we soon find that someone else has something that we want and then we focus on that. Carb cycling is very difficult because it creates alot of bad bad cravings just because of the sugar however if you can do it then all the power to you i guess. Everyone needs healthy doses of the proper carbs to be healthy. I hope you find what you are looking for in weight loss, seems you have it figured out for sure. Good luck :) Sometimes words seem harsh but its the person who reads it who takes it the way they want that is something i can't help. You can do it, but you have to make yourself a plan and stick to it.
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    Fast for a 3 days and hit again.
  • VastBreak
    VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
    Get your adrenals and vitamin D levels checked! I also had to back off heavy exercise for several weeks.
    Good luck!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Could you be bored? A lack of enthusiasm could be as detrimental to your efforts as any medical reason.
  • kitten9786
    kitten9786 Posts: 23 Member
    1800 calories a day? Wow, I'm 282 and I only get 1600 a day because I have so much to loose.

    It could be also that you are working out to much? I know that sounds weird but it is possible. I do hope you get off the stuck spot and able to move downwards towards your goal. Good luck!

    Feel free to add me if you ever need someone to vent too and bounce ideas off of!
  • I think I'll follow some of the advice here and try to lower my calories while sticking with my carb cycling and track. I really don't have time to measure out my food but I will do better to try and track more.

    You can't not measure your food, dude. You are estimating your portions? You are probably way off. Quit lying to yourself.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Wow, unnecessary ... I just admitted right before your post that I needed to do better and log consistently... but you're very good at making people feel like crap...

    Carb Cycling is not a restrictive diet it doesn't limit the food I consume just the carbs I eat. I can still eat a banana a day just not with a giant bowl of cereal4 days out of the week. It's basically just watching my carbs not saying I can't have dairy, gluten or meat. I've actually found it very helpful and easy and not restrictive at all. It makes me pay attention to my foods and I set my carbs at a level I can manage. The Carb Nite restricts your carbs so low and I can't go that low for that long. I've literally done extreme low/no carb once and lost chunks of my hair.

    I work from home so I don't really need to plan anything out I keep most processed foods out of my home and there for am left with healthy snacks easily obtainable.

    I apologize all if it looks like I was making excuses I was getting frustrated after a year of trying and still being unhappy with what I see in the mirror.

    Hilarious....Actually I support all of my friends very well, i just don't think excuses are the answer for anyone.

    I think as women, we find it very easy to nitpick ourselves constantly and are never truly happy with the way our bodies look, we are our own worst enemies. If we finally find something good about ourselves we soon find that someone else has something that we want and then we focus on that. Carb cycling is very difficult because it creates alot of bad bad cravings just because of the sugar however if you can do it then all the power to you i guess. Everyone needs healthy doses of the proper carbs to be healthy. I hope you find what you are looking for in weight loss, seems you have it figured out for sure. Good luck :) Sometimes words seem harsh but its the person who reads it who takes it the way they want that is something i can't help. You can do it, but you have to make yourself a plan and stick to it.

    Wow! Someone needs get down off their high horse! You don't know what is difficult for others. You don't know what causes cravings in otheres. You don't need to be harsh with others. And you don't have a clue what works for others.

    There are many, many ways to lose weight. What works for you is not necessarily the right plan for others.