I've logged in for 100 days straight but still not lost a pound!



  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Good for you for being faithful with your logging.

    I have a philosophy for when I'm ready to give up...I tell myself "Just a little more...push yourself just a little more before you stop..."

    I apply that to anything whether is is the time I spend on the elliptical (just go another .25 mile...or burn another 10 calories to get to x number...then you can stop...) Sometimes I stop, sometimes I feel so good about pushing through that I keep going. Then when I do stop at least I did a little more. That feels soooooooooooo good!

    When I'm tempted overeat and to not stay within my goal I talk to myself...just a little water first. Have a little water (or 2 glasses) and do something else for a few minutes. If I still want whatever it is....I try to compromise with a portion of it. Or do some exercise to counter it. Or say "After I finish supper." I don't tell myself no but I bargain with myself. Sometimes I do eat it and just forget it but sometimes I lose interest lol.

    Because ultimately I want to win. I don't want to let my weight get the better of me....but I have to bargain with myself. A lot!

    Small steps. Little by little. Meal by meal. Day by day.
  • mikeski52
    mikeski52 Posts: 59 Member
    Here are some things that helped me when I first started:

    1) One of the first things I did was to not eat anything until 11am-noon. I didn't even start counting calories at this point, but I still lost weight. Once I plateaued in my weight loss I switched to:
    2) Counting calories and having a cheat day. IMO, the cheat day was the most important part because when I was tempted to have something that would ruin my calories for the day I could say "I'll have it on Sunday", and the temptation would go away.

    Also, if you have a lot of junk food that you crave, like chocolate, sitting around in your pantry... don't.
  • kimberlyhurt
    kimberlyhurt Posts: 128 Member
    I would suggest that you plan your meals ahead of time. It was the only thing that kept me moving at the beginning. Plan out breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks for every day next week. Then go to the grocery and buy ONLY those things. Cook and prep them on the weekend if you don't have time to do it every day and then just eat the stuff you have ready. Also, PRE LOG YOUR FOOD! This will get you into the habbit of eating within your limits and will discourage grabbing something extra. If you do that for a week or two the desire to eat whatever will be preplaced by "hey, look I'm actually losing weight!!"

    Good luck, you can do it!
  • kimberlyhurt
    kimberlyhurt Posts: 128 Member
    Also, I include calories for a "sweet treat" every day. A fudgesicle, some pudding, straberries and chocolate sauce.... It keeps me from going off the deep end but I still don't go over. You've got to budget it like money. Nothing is off limits as long as you average out your calories for the week. If I want pizza on saturday (nom nom nom) I shave a hundred calories off monday-friday to have the extra for my splurge. win win!
  • bintoudiouf
    bintoudiouf Posts: 5 Member
    Think about why you want/ need to lose weight other that looks. Do you want to be around and dance at your children's wedding ? What quality of life do you want in your later year ? In a wheelchair or out and about with your family making beautiful memories ?
    Also many of us have emotional reasons for eating foods. Think about what feelings trigger the binges, the bad choices. How can you manage them? Can you find another outlet ?
    I think the fact that you have journaled for 100 day straight is a big deal and proof that you are on the right path
  • Jasonmylis
    Jasonmylis Posts: 46 Member
    I try to find healthier substitutes for my comfort foods and guilty calorie laden pleasures. You can use healthier ingredients without sacrificing flavor, and shave calories from your diet in the process. Little tweaks to your diet add up, and if you are working out should equate to weight loss. I hope this helps :)
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    I started out by making sure I logged everything. Then I used the app to set my calorie goal to lose 1 pound per week. I was honest about logging everything except condiments (which I don't use much anyway). I also starting walking some - not a lot - 20 minutes at a time and 2-3 times per week. I've lost 82 pounds through 14 months. now my goal is set to 1.5 pounds per week. If I go over the goal a bit, I just accept that and go on. I've had one or two days over the period where I totally blew a day. And then I got right back at it the next day. If I really want something I eat it - just much less of it than before.

    You can do it but it really is a choice. you don't get to play the victim and blame others for you bad choices. I know because I did it for 20 years.

    As Yoda said There is only do or not do. There is no try. you are an adult. There is no "should". You choose.