Dieting, What really helps?

Hey there! :3
I actually have been okay on keeping on track and keeping a ccaloric deficit but I was hoping if you can explain to me what Macros counting is and as far as I understand its the counting of your protein carbs and fats. I hear its more beneficial than just counting calories because its important what kind of calories you eat rather than what amount of calories you ingest. o:
Along with that, is there any advice tips or even recipes that I can do as a beginner into changing my diet for weight loss to help. I'm a full time college student so sometimes its hard to eat healthier when always on campus but I'm breaking away from eating fast food and eating out a lot less than before which was every other day. So if there any recipes to help me that are fast and healthy then I will greatly appreciate the help in my journey to losing weight. Its been nearly a week in my journey and I just wish to do the best I can do. As I'm quote sure a lot of you out there are also trying to do the same. Thank you for taking time out of your day to even read this and I wish you best of luck on your journey. Thank you. c:
Oh! And feel free to add me if you wish. o:


  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    For most people it really only comes down to calories in versus calories burned. Eat at a deficit and you will lose weight. Macros is about overall health not weight loss. As for recipes that are fast and healthy get a pinterest account (tones of ideas there) you can also google for healthy recipes. I personally eat a lot of salads and fish (mainly because I like them and it is easy to make them with what I am making for my family). Good luck
  • iandrew124
    iandrew124 Posts: 170 Member
    For most people it really only comes down to calories in versus calories burned. Eat at a deficit and you will lose weight. Macros is about overall health not weight loss. As for recipes that are fast and healthy get a pinterest account (tones of ideas there) you can also google for healthy recipes. I personally eat a lot of salads and fish (mainly because I like them and it is easy to make them with what I am making for my family). Good luck

    Hm, sounds interesting. Might give it a try. Not really a huge fan on fish though. xD But yeah, I've just been hearing a ton of things

  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    I just posted this on another thread but some of these might work for you too.

    About me (obvi we have different goals and needs): most days I eat 1200-1300 calories, and probably more like 1500-3000 a few times a month. I don't workout and am quite sedentary (for now, thinking of changing that soon).

    Here's my top tips (these worked for me, not saying they are for everyone):

    - I use a kitchen scale and weigh, measure and log everything (except for those few higher calorie days mentioned above).
    - Pre-plan my food.
    - I eat a lot of simple foods and repeat meals often: bean quesadillas, salad with chicken breasts, peanut butter on whole grain toast, turkey tacos, etc.
    - I treat myself when I want to and then I move on and get back on track.
    - I find restaurants tricky as I don't go to a lot of places with public calorie counts, so generally I do avoid eating out.
    - I've found awesome and extremely supportive friends here on mfp. I find diet talk extremely boring in real life so this is the perfect place to get the support an information I need.
    - I read, read, read. All the sticky threads, all the success stories. Arm yourself with information, don't just depend on this thread for it.
  • iandrew124
    iandrew124 Posts: 170 Member
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    For most people it really only comes down to calories in versus calories burned. Eat at a deficit and you will lose weight. Macros is about overall health not weight loss. As for recipes that are fast and healthy get a pinterest account (tones of ideas there) you can also google for healthy recipes. I personally eat a lot of salads and fish (mainly because I like them and it is easy to make them with what I am making for my family). Good luck

    Micros are about overall health, perhaps more so.
    And yes, Pinterest is a great place to look for recipes etc. Definitely.
    The internet has been a GREAT THING for dieting and eating right.
  • iandrew124
    iandrew124 Posts: 170 Member
    For most people it really only comes down to calories in versus calories burned. Eat at a deficit and you will lose weight. Macros is about overall health not weight loss. As for recipes that are fast and healthy get a pinterest account (tones of ideas there) you can also google for healthy recipes. I personally eat a lot of salads and fish (mainly because I like them and it is easy to make them with what I am making for my family). Good luck

    Micros are about overall health, perhaps more so.
    And yes, Pinterest is a great place to look for recipes etc. Definitely.
    The internet has been a GREAT THING for dieting and eating right.

    Ahh okay I got it. o:
    I tend to stay away from Pinterest because I never get things done if I begin looking.
    Yes! It is a great thing but it is also a place of false information
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    iandrew124 wrote: »
    I actually have been okay on keeping on track and keeping a caloric deficit but I was hoping if you can explain to me what Macros counting is and as far as I understand its the counting of your protein carbs and fats. I hear its more beneficial than just counting calories because its important what kind of calories you eat rather than what amount of calories you ingest. o:

    You can lose weight by eating fewer calories than you burn, regardless of what's in those calories. That part is technically accurate. But it doesn't tell the whole story.

    The thing is, let's say your daily calorie goal is 2000 calories. Sure, you could eat 2000 calories of chips and soda, or 2000 calories of fruits, veggies, whole grains and lean protein, and lose weight either way. But if you pick the chips and soda, ultimately you're going to have a few problems: For one thing, you'll have a hard time keeping it up for very long, 'cause you won't feel very full. For another, you won't have the energy to work out or fuel your weight loss. And long term, you could face certain nutritional deficiencies that are harmful to your health.

    That doesn't mean you have to eat "clean" or that there's no room for chips and soda. (Or pizza or chocolate or whatever else you enjoy). It just means that these things should form a smaller percentage of your diet.

    Meeting your macro (protein, carbs, fat) percentages and micro (vitamins, minerals) targets will help ensure that your calories are balanced and nutritious.

    Try to view these as maximums to eat below:
    • Saturated fat
    • Carbohydrates
    • Sodium
    • Trans fat (aim for zero or as close as possible to zero)

    Try to view the following as minimums and attempt to exceed them while still staying under your calorie goal:
    • Protein
    • "Healthy" unsaturated fats (though be aware not all food labels contain this info)
    • Iron
    • Vitamins A and C
    • Calcium
    • Fibre

    In general, trying to stick to these guidelines will help you lose weight the healthy way and stay satisfied while you do it. And if you have calories left over at the end of the day, feel free to grab those chips and soda if they make you happy. There's no "good" or "bad" food, only food that fits your macros and food that doesn't.
  • iandrew124
    iandrew124 Posts: 170 Member
    Hm, alright sounds good. o:
    May I ask if you have any recipes that a busy college student can make quickly.