High choleseterol diagnosis. What works(ed) for improving your numbers?



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    lose a pound a day. lol, no.

    I knew it was only a matter of time before a paleo magician came in waving their wizard sleeves around.

    It's very possible to lose a pound a day.

    Granted you would need to stop eating protein and your long term health prospects would look bad. lol

    But hey, who needs lean mass anyway?

    Let the winds take them all away!
  • feistypanda
    feistypanda Posts: 1 Member
    i was diagnosed with high cholesterol yesterday (ironically, after running 7 miles) and am at a healthy body weight (5'4" female, 117lbs). I have a balanced diet but do eat lean meats, eggs, cheese, etc (more so over the last couple of years as my MD thought I was a little underweight. I was ranging from 101-105lbs. I have always been a runner and work out 3-5x week/5-7 miles but when I started incorporating weight training a couple years ago, I rapidly lost weight (101-105lbs). I stopped the weight training in favor of yoga and continue to run. My weight is now 117 so I would love any suggestions for lowering cholesterol for people who do not necessarily need to lose weight. My fear is if I follow a vegan/vegetarian or lowfat diet, I will fall back into the underweight range. Trying to figure out the lesser of the two evils (underweight or higher cholesterol). Thanks in advance for any insights.

    md1093 wrote: »
    I started eating a low fat, plant based, vegan diet back in October 2014. I mean I cut out all animal based products and I also stopped using oils to cook my food. I eat complex carbs, beans, veggies, and fruits and things like that. All of it very tasty and I eat until I'm full. All of my numbers including cholesterol and triglycerides went way down. I also went from 203 pounds down to 170 and feel great with only mild exercise. I got on to this eating lifestyle through Dr. John McDougall and Neal Barnard. On youtube you can watch their videos. I also watched the documentary Forks Over Knives. It presents a lot of good information.

  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    nuts maybe? packs more calories but healthy fats
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Running and losing weight did it for me. Went from problematic to perfect in just a few months.