Let's Do This. :)

Hi. :) My name is Leanne. I am 32, about to turn 33 on Valentine's Day. I am 40 pounds heavier than my biggest comfortable weight. I tried myfitnesspal once in the past, but I let life get me side tracked, and I forgot about it. I have a four year old daughter, a thirteen year old step son who I homeschool, and I just started college full time. I want to be strong and healthy. I want to feel beautiful, confident, and sexy. My goals are to learn how to make myself a priority, establish healthy eating and activity habits, and develop a healthy balanced relationship with food and exercise. I really, really want to lose 40 pounds, get my tummy back, get rid of my flabby arms, tone my back, and get back into low rise jeans. (AKA good by muffin top! ;) ) I'm happy to be here and looking forward to beginning my healthy lifestyle again. I'd love to meet you and encourage each other on our journeys!


  • Ann_Marie_76
    Ann_Marie_76 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi Leanne. I've been where you are. Feel free to add me. I've used this app for a few years and have met my weight loss goals. Now working on getting rid of the flab!