hey my name is kyley im 16 5 feet and 1inche tall my goal weight is 120lb i am currently 145 so need to loose 25lb i use to be 154 got down to 120 then slowly let myself get up to 145 for some reason it has been alot harder for me to get back down i would love some tips from bout exercising and healthy eating!! the only thing that has been holding me back lately is that i just had knee surgery on my left knee and am in recovery , a couple days ago i dislocated my right kneeaswheel soo have been takeing it easy. while i have been layed up i have been really thinkin gbout how much u really want to tone up!! i really want to work on my upper boddy untill i can work on my legs!!! i think if i do work out that will give me more motivation with recovery!! my biggest goal is to look good in a bikini!! i would love to here tips on healthy eating and exercising with useing one knee while onther has to syat straihgt, im gonna try and come on this app every day and right a post of how im doing!!! soo send me a friend request ~~ Kyeley