fear of stopping my weight loss

Hi everyone. I am 22 years old 5'4 CW 185 SW 252 GW 150

I have developed an huge fear of my weight loss stopping. I have become somewhat obsessed with getting my calories as low as they possibly can be. I currently have my goal set at 1lb per week which gives me 1460 calories per day (sedentary setting). I usually end up eating somewhere between 1200-1300 per day. I just cant let go of this fear that I will stop losing weight. Any advice?


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    A. Take a diet break or B. talk to a professional.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    You've obviously lost a fair bit already so you've been doing something right, so why do you think it'll stop working? If you start lowering calories what are you going to do next time you worry, lower them even more?

    I'd make sure you've taken measurements as you might see a change in the tape measure and not the scale sometimes, and don't become obsessed with weighing yourself too often. I think most people plateau at some point.

    Do you exercise?
  • AuntieAmber0326
    You've obviously lost a fair bit already so you've been doing something right, so why do you think it'll stop working? If you start lowering calories what are you going to do next time you worry, lower them even more?

    I'd make sure you've taken measurements as you might see a change in the tape measure and not the scale sometimes, and don't become obsessed with weighing yourself too often. I think most people plateau at some point.

    Do you exercise?

    Not much. I do walk on my treadmill a few times per week. I guess I am worried that I will stop losing and if 1480 is too high for me