couples weight loss

Hi all me and my partner are getting married in 2 years so both of us have decided to get into shape, we both joined the gym in September but having 2 young kids she doesn't get much time to go. I go every morning at 5am before I start work, basically if anyone has any tips on what she can do to help burn calories during the day with a 18 month old glued to her all day lol thank in advance


  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Reciprocate what she does for you - alternate the 5 am gym between you and her or else when you come back from work you take care of stuff at home and let her go to the gym.
  • shfoster0721
    shfoster0721 Posts: 239 Member
    Welcome, feel free to add me. I am down 130+ pounds since January of last year without using some fad diet, pills, or surgery.
  • kayleighalford9
    kayleighalford9 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm a mum of 2 also with a clingy baby. I cannot recommend a sling or baby carrier enough....I go jogging with the buggy and do a 30 day shred dvd with a toddler joining in and baby climbs up my knees
  • CassarahW
    CassarahW Posts: 93 Member
    I have 4 kids and have so been there! I agree baby wearing is the way to go. Going for walks while wearing a baby (especially an older one like that) will kick up the calorie burning a notch. There are a lot of great home workout plans available too. Even on Pinterest you can find little workout challenges. Her journey may have to be more about healthy eating and quick light exercise for a while but she should be able to make god progress with that. My husband and I are also getting healthy together. I have just over 100lbs I want to lose and he wants to lose about 70lbs. Doing it together you guys will be so successful! Feel free to add me as a buddy.