just listening to the radio--a report today in the uk says..

de1amo Posts: 266 Member
15 to 20 percent of all calories for typical people are eaten as snacks ---soon mounts up!

İ am on a no snack wednesday but was thinking of making it a twice weekly event supported on here!


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Don't cut out snacking. Cut out unhealthy snacking...meaning... sugary, fatty, carb-laden snacks, snacking when you're not hungry, snacking past what you're allowed yourself, etc. I HAVE to snack in between meals (usually fruits or string cheese or carrots with hummus) or else I'd starve! :happy:
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    i meant unecessary snacking and unhealthy -in the uk we have this quaint mid afternoon snack called tea and its a fest of all sorts of goodies these days--if i have a cuppa around this time i always get dragged to dipping my hand in the cookie jar!(homemeade of course!)-today i am resisting the cuppa and sticking to water- the sugarey stuff has no nutritional value

    just had 3 apricots for tea and no drink to wash the goodness away!
  • jaxterbom
    jaxterbom Posts: 73
    If you're tracking cals, best to make sure you add any snack calories in accurately. Pre-sized bags of pretzels (100 each) help out, and fruits are easy to track. What's not easy is sitting down with a large bag of salty snacks unless you do the before and after weight and subtract - but by that time you'll probably have eaten too much. I like the hummus on carrot idea ... might try that on celery.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Oie, yeah! I love apricots. I had them for snacks last week and they're so low-calorie and delicious, I had to eat 2 at a time! They're great in Cheerios!

    jaxterbom - Yeah, I just tried Athenos Roasted Red Pepper Hummus. OMGOD, to die for. I can't get enough of it. And red peppers are a weight loss superfood.
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    are green peppers super food too--i have a big bag in the fridge- not the hot type the sweet ones--i threw a sickie today but dont actually want to be ill!!!
    i pour things into a bowl on my kitchen scales to weigh them--just weigh the dish and put in a convienient amount--i know 3 apricots are 105gs so have a measurement on here