Exercise Suggestions, Please!



  • DBabbit
    DBabbit Posts: 173 Member
    9Rounder wrote: »

    Thanks for the link! Now to find somewhere to put it! lol
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I think including a protein shake, though not ideal, would be a great way to increase your protein while you get your diet sorted out.
    Most people I have talked to make quite a dense shake out of them. I like just mixing a vanilla powder with water in a large drinking bottle and sipping on it during the day. This way it ups my proteins without interfering with my normal food consumption.
    Cheers, h.
  • DBabbit
    DBabbit Posts: 173 Member
    I think including a protein shake, though not ideal, would be a great way to increase your protein while you get your diet sorted out.
    Most people I have talked to make quite a dense shake out of them. I like just mixing a vanilla powder with water in a large drinking bottle and sipping on it during the day. This way it ups my proteins without interfering with my normal food consumption.
    Cheers, h.

    Thanks for the reply. :) I think I'll try adding it to my yogurt. For some reason, I don't like the gloppy mess it seems to make when it's mixed with milk, and I've got an unopened container sitting on the counter. lol
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    DBabbit wrote: »
    I have TMJD, so I eat mostly soft foods. My Maxo-facial surgeon told me not to do a whole lot of chewing, and absolutely no chicken or steak, because they're too tough (ie: chewy). Would I be better off having a protein shake to get the protein I need?

    That could help, but i'd get one without sugar / carbohydrates.
    I'd include lots of fish high in omega-3 (salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring), because of its cardiovascular benefits (pills aren't as effective). Canned fish is soft and has no bones.

  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    DBabbit wrote: »
    I would love a handcycle, but will have to save for it -- maybe in a year or so, since I have other obligations, but I'm definitely interested in having one! I've never heard of pull bouys before. I'll have to order one. Thanks for the suggestion!

    Pull buoys are pretty common at pools, since they let swimmers concentrate their efforts on the arms and back. I bet your gym or health club has them lying around. As for handcycles, I see from your profile that you're not that far from Savannah. You might want to contact the Savannah Wheelmen bike club, which participates in the Wounded Warrior project for vets, to see whether they have handcycle try-outs available.
  • DBabbit
    DBabbit Posts: 173 Member
    bwogilvie wrote: »
    ... As for handcycles, I see from your profile that you're not that far from Savannah. You might want to contact the Savannah Wheelmen bike club, which participates in the Wounded Warrior project for vets, to see whether they have handcycle try-outs available.

    Thanks for the information! I just found a local ride club, so I'll check with them too.