Barefoot Running

I've always had shin splint problems and just work through it. Recently someone told me barefoot running eliminated shin splints for them so I am planning on purchasing a pair. I have been looking into VivoBarefoot Evo II for women. Has anyone used this brand before or have a better one to suggest? I would greatly appreciate any feedback!


  • Evachiquita
    Evachiquita Posts: 223 Member
    I started running with the Vibram Fivefinger shoes about a year ago. It is the first time EVER that I have not gotten shin splints from running. I watched the videos and all that on barefoot and forefoot running. Even when I wear my normal tennis shoes I still try to land my foot with the ball first. I think that it also helps eliminating knee pain because it gives your body a more natural stride/strike (duh, that's the point) rather than having some clunky shoe forcing your feet, ankles, and knees to do funky things which ultimately results in pain. The toe shoes take some getting used to so go easy and slow with it. Good luck!
  • carriespence1
    carriespence1 Posts: 70 Member
    Same here. I run but my shins were killing me the first mile. I wear vibram kso and have had no shin splints from day one. My calves were killing me for awhile but it was that good muscle pain. My family laughs at me all the time but I love my freaking shoes!
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    There's no harm in giving it a try! You will never know how it works for you until you try. Just be advised to start slow. Don't head out in them and do 4+ miles. Try run/walking at first because you will be using muscles you don't use when you run landing on your heel/midfoot. Enjoy! It's a different experience for sure!
  • sdbart
    sdbart Posts: 189 Member
    I am going to give the other side of the coin. My husband told me that barefoot running was the perfect way to get healthy and easiest way to run. So I started all the minimalist stuff and was barefoot running. Well a month into it I got plantar fasciitis from the barefoot running. I have really high arches and I found out that I really did need the support of a good shoe. Just keep in mind that you might want to read the articles on how to start and do barefoot running and start slow with the minimalist foot gear. Good luck
  • levicrouch
    levicrouch Posts: 99
    I am usually wary that some product will 'fix' something that is causing pain. While you can get some relief from proper equipment. Be sure to also investigate what might be causing your pain.

    Shin splints are usually caused by calf muscles that are too tight. The calf muscles all connect to the shin and when they are tight, you feel the pain in your shin. If you are new to running, have increased your mileage, or have increased the frequency of lower leg workouts, you may just need to warmup and stretch out your calf muscles to alleviate the shin splints.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Although they don't make them anymore, Nike Free 3.0 V3's are my fav (Damn you Nike!). I have been able to find some on line but it is getting harder and harder. I am sure there is something similar out there but I am out of the runnning game for a while due to pregnancy so my hunt is on hold. The lighter weight and more flexible, the better. The Free's feel almost like aqua socks....truly amazing. I personally couldn't stand the Vibrams in between my toes.

    Minimilist shoes cured my debilitating shin splints as the other posters have mentioned as well! Best of luck!
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Barefoot running works for many people. I have done it, I have enjoyed doing it. The one big caveat that sticks out is that people need to start slow and transition properly.

    I use to train minimally once a week. When I started I would only run 1/4 mile at a time and add 1/4 mile every other week.

    I am very skeptical of people who claim to have been injured while running barefoot. I like to ask how they transitioned. What kind of mileage they were doing before they transitioned, how long did they transition for and what type of mileage had they attained when they were injured. More often than not... injuries happened because of poor training principles.

    My minimal shoes are Vibram KSO's and New Balance Minimus. I have an oddly shaped baby toe though so the Minimus works a little better and is more comfy. The KSO's stop being comfortable after about 3 miles.
  • lmc8774
    lmc8774 Posts: 129 Member
    I transitioned to FiveFingers a few years ago and they definitely helped my shin pain, which may have been chronic compartment syndrome. I thought I was done with running but changing my running style saved me. I found that the FiveFingers were good up to a certain point but for longer runs I switched to the Saucony Kinvara. I've never tried the Evo's so can't comment on them, but I will say that a midfoot strike is what helped me, not a particular shoe. Just beware of calf muscle problems or achilles tendonitis. You'll be landing differently and using different muscle groups, so go slowly!
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Barefoot running isn't exactly the same as minimalist shoe running.

    Running in a minimalist and lightweight shoe is not the same as running barefoot: a biomechanical study. Jason Bonacci, Philo U Saunders, Amy Hicks, Timo Rantalainen, Bill (Guglielmo) T Vicenzino, Wayne Spratford. 2013, British Journal of Sports Medicine.

    If you want the benefits of barefoot running (such as they are), you gotta do it barefoot.
  • VixPal1
    VixPal1 Posts: 14
    I guess I will give the Vibram's a try since they seem so highly recommended and I will definitely research proper techniques to avoid injuries!
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    If Vibrams don't work for you Newton is supposed to promote similar biomechanics but you still get the padding of a sneaker. I personally despise them but I know plenty of people who love Newton.
  • wheelerjustin
    wheelerjustin Posts: 1 Member
    This is something I am definitely keen to try... Although I won't be barefoot but will be using some kind of shoe. Currently Vibram looks like my first choice.

    Am hoping it will allow an easier time on my knees.
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    I've just started running again after more than a decade away from it. I'm getting back into running slowly, and am also trying out Vibram (Treksport). Have never had injury problems -- I just needed new footgear and have been curious about these for a while now.

    I'm definitely doing some muscle retraining, but it feels like a softer run. I agree that a slow transition is key. (I'm also noting what lmc8774 is saying about longer runs -- years ago I did best with Saucony, too.)