I'm doing something wrong...

daltem Posts: 138 Member
Yes, I know I've had a couple of days ( way) over with the calories - Saturday we went to a Brazilian BBQ and I completely guessed at 2000 calories ( I really have no earthly idea- had the meat and veggies and cheese from salad bar, no side dishes and no dessert) and one Thursday I forgot to enter in my dinner so it looked like I hadn't eaten hardly anything that day when I'd had 3 homemade chicken taco's but all in all I feel like I'm doing fairly well and believe I'm expending more calories than I'm taking in.

I am exercising ( walking).

But.......Two weeks ago I gained 1.4 lbs and this week stayed the same....

Where am I messing up?

Any constructive suggestions?


  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Set your calorie goal to 1.5 or 1 pound a week if you are not already. I see you have lost about 30 pounds and have 30 to go, and you are set to 1,200 calories. As you get closer to goal weight, you need to readjust your goals.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Gratz on losing 29 lbs? Not sure what the issue is here..
  • crissyniko
    crissyniko Posts: 47 Member
    looks like you joined in April? I started back in April and also at a stall for the past couple of weeks...but I'm not giving up! I read that changing your caloric intake every couple of weeks may start the metabolism and start losing again....I'm gonna stay at my goal this week then change it next week to see what happens. Trial and error until I find out what works for me although it scares me to increase my calories I am going to try increasing by 100 increments until I hit the magic number. Good luck in your journey as well!
  • tcraw15
    tcraw15 Posts: 223 Member
    Gratz on losing 29 lbs? Not sure what the issue is here..

  • daltem
    daltem Posts: 138 Member
    Oops...had to edit the post- got side tracked and forgot to ask the question ( What am I doing wrong)

  • daltem
    daltem Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks yall!

    Crissy- maybe that's what I should do- increase by small amount.
  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
    Read your diary, but, I'm trying to make dinner--I'll send you my thoughts..
  • crissyniko
    crissyniko Posts: 47 Member
    I'm giving it one more week before I increase other sites states I should be eating 1700-2200 daily! I just have to change my way of thinking. The lower calorie worked in the beginning but now I am more active so I need to adjust Its all mental I just need to do it because nothing is happening where I am!
  • Alissakae
    Alissakae Posts: 317 Member
    Last month I had one week with no change and then a 1.4 pound gain when I was doing everything right. I was upset and thinking of changing my calorie goals...then lost 3.8 pounds the next week! I think sometimes your body just had to catch up or something! I have continued to lose weekly since that weird glitch. Hopefully that's all you had going on.
  • tcraw15
    tcraw15 Posts: 223 Member
    Last month I had one week with no change and then a 1.4 pound gain when I was doing everything right. I was upset and thinking of changing my calorie goals...then lost 3.8 pounds the next week! I think sometimes your body just had to catch up or something! I have continued to lose weekly since that weird glitch. Hopefully that's all you had going on.

    ^^ Also this. You have to remember that weight-loss is not linear. Your weight is going to fluctuate CONSTANTLY. It's completely normal. I actually weigh myself daily so I can see how my body fluctuates, and so I can see the trend of my weight loss. Daily weigh-ins are not for everyone though.