Can I have some advice on my diary?

If any of you are willing, based on my food diary, can you give me some tips on what to change or add to my lifestyle or whatever?


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    My only advice would to cut back on the processed food. With that much sodium, you'll retain water.
  • sum1sbby89
    sum1sbby89 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm not an expert and I have only been at this a short time but your diary looks similar to mine. You go over your sodium all the time. I am the same way to counter balance that you need to be drinking water. See if that helps any. I have found that if I dont get in a good amount of water I dont see any changes
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Are you taking all those supplements because they were prescribed by a doctor for a specific vitamin or mineral deficiency? If not, cut them out -- at best, they're useless, and at worst, they can be harmful to your health.

    Other than that, the main thing that I'd suggest is adding more protein to your diet. I'm not going to say you need to eat tons of it, but you're consistently way under your protein goal, and way over on either carbs or fats.

    If your profile is correct and you're 18 years old, are you in college? Working? Do you prepare your own meals or does another household member do it for you? What are your cooking skills like?

    You log exercise on a few days and on those days, the estimated burns are very high. I don't know what sort of exercise you're doing, but it's highly unlikely you're burning 680+ calories at it. MFP overestimates those burns by a lot. Try to estimate conservatively.

    Also, can you share your height, current weight and goal weight? It's hard to determine whether your calorie and macro goals are appropriate without those stats.
  • InvaderGashloog
    InvaderGashloog Posts: 76 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    Are you taking all those supplements because they were prescribed by a doctor for a specific vitamin or mineral deficiency? If not, cut them out -- at best, they're useless, and at worst, they can be harmful to your health.

    Other than that, the main thing that I'd suggest is adding more protein to your diet. I'm not going to say you need to eat tons of it, but you're consistently way under your protein goal, and way over on either carbs or fats.

    If your profile is correct and you're 18 years old, are you in college? Working? Do you prepare your own meals or does another household member do it for you? What are your cooking skills like?

    You log exercise on a few days and on those days, the estimated burns are very high. I don't know what sort of exercise you're doing, but it's highly unlikely you're burning 680+ calories at it. MFP overestimates those burns by a lot. Try to estimate conservatively.

    Also, can you share your height, current weight and goal weight? It's hard to determine whether your calorie and macro goals are appropriate without those stats.

    The Zinc and Iron I was told to take by my doctor. I take the b12 because I know I don't consume enough of it due to my hatred of meat, I hate how it tastes. The beta carotene is apparently good for your eyes, and since mine constantly getting worse, I'm trying to save them.

    I know I'm bad with protein, I just can't seem to find a great source of protein that I actually like to meet my goal. :/ All I know are beans and Kefir. Meat tastes nasty to me and eggs make me feel sick.

    I'm really 18, but I'm a senior in High School (I was born after the 1996 cut off line -.-). I usually get my own food, but my culinary skills are weak.

    I do martial arts. Hung Gar and BaguaZhang nearly daily. It's rather vigorous at times. Maybe I should put in half the time I do it? Even though with the Hung Gar, I only add in the sparring time, not the instruction time. The Tai Chi is just a DVD, so I put in the minutes.

    My height is 5'6", my current weight is god knows what (I went to the doctors last week and he said 160, but then again, I also ate, drank a few waters beforehand, and was wearing my usual combat boots (which are rather heavy). I think I want to weigh either 115 or 120 pounds.

  • areallycoolstory
    areallycoolstory Posts: 1,680 Member
    It doesn't seem like you are eating very much, but it seems like too much processed food. And it seems that you are using supplements to get your vitamins rather than getting them in your diet. You should research what foods contain the vitamins you are supplementing and eat more of those. You might also be able to cut down on your sodium, and actually eat more, if you made homemade burritos or tacos. If you are not much of a cook, is there a Trader Joe's near you? They are great place for packaged food that is not processed. They sell fresh veggies that pop in the microwave and frozen brown rice that is also microwaveable. They have already chopped onions, and fresh pre-cooked meats, like chicken breasts glazed in balsamic vinegar.

    My favorite taco to make with ingredients from T J's uses their corn and wheat tortillas. I fill them with their Argentinian frozen shrimp. After boiling, I saute in a bit of olive along with pre- chopped onions. I season and glaze the shrimp with their taco mix, sweet and spicy peach salsa, and chiracha. A little lettuce, tomato, a level tablespoon of their low fat 3 cheese blend, a spoon of fat free sour cream and oh my... you are not going to get anything that yummy at Taco Bell. Best luck on your journey, and congratulations on your awesome 10 lb weigh loss.
  • InvaderGashloog
    InvaderGashloog Posts: 76 Member
    It doesn't seem like you are eating very much, but it seems like too much processed food. And it seems that you are using supplements to get your vitamins rather than getting them in your diet. You should research what foods contain the vitamins you are supplementing and eat more of those. You might also be able to cut down on your sodium, and actually eat more, if you made homemade burritos or tacos. If you are not much of a cook, is there a Trader Joe's near you? They are great place for packaged food that is not processed. They sell fresh veggies that pop in the microwave and frozen brown rice that is also microwaveable. They have already chopped onions, and fresh pre-cooked meats, like chicken breasts glazed in balsamic vinegar.

    My favorite taco to make with ingredients from T J's uses their corn and wheat tortillas. I fill them with their Argentinian frozen shrimp. After boiling, I saute in a bit of olive along with pre- chopped onions. I season and glaze the shrimp with their taco mix, sweet and spicy peach salsa, and chiracha. A little lettuce, tomato, a level tablespoon of their low fat 3 cheese blend, a spoon of fat free sour cream and oh my... you are not going to get anything that yummy at Taco Bell. Best luck on your journey, and congratulations on your awesome 10 lb weigh loss.

    Thanks. ^-^

    I live in the middle of nowhere in South Jersey. I never heard of Trader Joes until like last year and for some reason always wanted to visit one because I read so many awesome things about them. XD Also, that recipe sounds really good. :3
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I know I'm bad with protein, I just can't seem to find a great source of protein that I actually like to meet my goal. :/ All I know are beans and Kefir. Meat tastes nasty to me and eggs make me feel sick.

    Other vegan sources of protein include: tofu, soy, tempeh, lentils, chickpeas, nuts and seeds. If you are willing to eat dairy, milk and yogurt are great sources, too, and full of calcium which is really important for you to be getting enough of since your bones are still gaining density at your age. Whey protein can be added to a lot of foods too, for a boost. There are some great vegetarian and vegan groups on here; feel free to join them for some advice on how to up your protein without adding meat to your diet.
    I'm really 18, but I'm a senior in High School (I was born after the 1996 cut off line -.-). I usually get my own food, but my culinary skills are weak.

    No time like the present to learn how to cook, then! All those high-sodium fast food meals might taste good now, but if you don't learn the skills you need to get more comfortable in the kitchen, you could end up eating them (and gaining weight on them) for years to come. Pinterest has a lot of great recipes and YouTube has tons of cooking 101 videos. Try starting with simple meals and getting progressively more inventive as you get more comfortable.
    I do martial arts. Hung Gar and BaguaZhang nearly daily. It's rather vigorous at times. Maybe I should put in half the time I do it? Even though with the Hung Gar, I only add in the sparring time, not the instruction time. The Tai Chi is just a DVD, so I put in the minutes.

    The thing is, MFP is going to estimate your calorie burn based on the height and weight you input. Since you don't know your current weight, it may not be estimating even close to accurately.
    My height is 5'6", my current weight is god knows what (I went to the doctors last week and he said 160, but then again, I also ate, drank a few waters beforehand, and was wearing my usual combat boots (which are rather heavy). I think I want to weigh either 115 or 120 pounds.

    115 or 120 would put you right at the bottom of the healthy BMI range, borderline underweight. I also see your profile says you want to lose 50 more pounds, which means you're targeting 110 pounds (if you're currently 160) and that would definitely be an underweight goal. 130 or thereabouts is probably a healthy target for you, give or take.

    And oh yeah, get yourself a scale so you can weigh in and track your progress.
  • InvaderGashloog
    InvaderGashloog Posts: 76 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    I know I'm bad with protein, I just can't seem to find a great source of protein that I actually like to meet my goal. :/ All I know are beans and Kefir. Meat tastes nasty to me and eggs make me feel sick.

    Other vegan sources of protein include: tofu, soy, tempeh, lentils, chickpeas, nuts and seeds. If you are willing to eat dairy, milk and yogurt are great sources, too, and full of calcium which is really important for you to be getting enough of since your bones are still gaining density at your age. Whey protein can be added to a lot of foods too, for a boost. There are some great vegetarian and vegan groups on here; feel free to join them for some advice on how to up your protein without adding meat to your diet.
    I'm really 18, but I'm a senior in High School (I was born after the 1996 cut off line -.-). I usually get my own food, but my culinary skills are weak.

    No time like the present to learn how to cook, then! All those high-sodium fast food meals might taste good now, but if you don't learn the skills you need to get more comfortable in the kitchen, you could end up eating them (and gaining weight on them) for years to come. Pinterest has a lot of great recipes and YouTube has tons of cooking 101 videos. Try starting with simple meals and getting progressively more inventive as you get more comfortable.
    I do martial arts. Hung Gar and BaguaZhang nearly daily. It's rather vigorous at times. Maybe I should put in half the time I do it? Even though with the Hung Gar, I only add in the sparring time, not the instruction time. The Tai Chi is just a DVD, so I put in the minutes.

    The thing is, MFP is going to estimate your calorie burn based on the height and weight you input. Since you don't know your current weight, it may not be estimating even close to accurately.
    My height is 5'6", my current weight is god knows what (I went to the doctors last week and he said 160, but then again, I also ate, drank a few waters beforehand, and was wearing my usual combat boots (which are rather heavy). I think I want to weigh either 115 or 120 pounds.

    115 or 120 would put you right at the bottom of the healthy BMI range, borderline underweight. I also see your profile says you want to lose 50 more pounds, which means you're targeting 110 pounds (if you're currently 160) and that would definitely be an underweight goal. 130 or thereabouts is probably a healthy target for you, give or take.

    And oh yeah, get yourself a scale so you can weigh in and track your progress.

    Thank you. ^_^ This was really helpful.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    I can't get past your profile pic. Jeebus clowns creep me the eff out.
    Sorry. Off topic and not at all helpful.
    Carry on.
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    BinkyBonk wrote: »
    I can't get past your profile pic. Jeebus clowns creep me the eff out.
    Sorry. Off topic and not at all helpful.
    Carry on.

    This ∆