Binge eating and how to stop.



  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Yep my biggest breakthrough with this was getting trigger foods out of the house, crisps, popcorn, salted nuts, cold cereal (mostly anything salty and fatty, but if I have biscuits chocolate or cake in the house that gets eaten too even though I don't have that much of a sweet tooth) and unfortunatley I can only cook what I intend to eat in a meal, so can't really make a lasagne or pasta bake for later in the week, even a big pan of healthy soup will get gobbled. It's a pain that I only allow food in the house that has to be prepared from scratch. But 95% of my binges tend to be impulsive and having to do at least half an hour of cooking and prep usually dampens that.

    Also chuck all your takeout menus.

    Things I've got in to replace binges are cucumber, carrot and sweet pepper sticks with low fat hummous, low call ice lollies and low cal hot chocolate. I also pad out my italian and indian meals with loads of raw baby spinach as a base.

    Also if you can only allow yourself to eat a a table with a knife and fork.

    These are just some of the practical things I do, but binging is a disorder that you should really talk to your doctor about like any other eating disorder even if you don't purge so don't feel you have to go it alone without support.

    Take care hun x
  • Urban_Princess
    Urban_Princess Posts: 219 Member
    I'm struggling with this but trying to deal through proper meal planning. I love almonds, cashews, and peanuts and because i'm "eating clean" I go overboard with it. It's better than overeating on cake and cookies right (so wrong..).

    I bought a huge bag of almonds from Costco and had to give it to my coworker to hide at her desk otherwise my hand would just feed me non-stop.

    I need help
  • JasonH_DFW
    JasonH_DFW Posts: 63 Member
    Another thing to keep in mind if youre saying "I'll exercise X to offset this" then you dont need to be eating it. Goes without saying if youre putting a finger down your windpipe over it you probably need to step back and reassess your diet.
  • barb110467
    I was reading all your comments and can relate a lot ! Until yesterday, I never knew binge eating was a disorder until I saw it on Dr. Oz! It is a constant struggle for me I do it with fast food hiding it and eating it in the car when no one sees me! My scale fluctuates 40 pounds up and 40 pounds down depending on how I control my eating right now I am determined to lose 50 pounds and so far 15 is gone. I have to turn my head the other way when I pass fast food and don't even want to sit next to anybody eating popcorn in the movie theater! I log everything I eat and that helps because I am not ashamed of what I have been eating lately! Thank you very much for listening! I just wish I was a binge exerciser LOL
  • VanessaFitForLife
    Great tip!
    jhitt1975 wrote: »
    a good rule of thumb is if you think you're binge eating pause for about 15 mins, drink a bunch of water, and walk away from the sight of food for that time to see if you still feel hungry. Sometimes its dehydration or stress of the moment. 9 times out of 10 binging is because youre stressed and want distraction or youre not giving yourself time to register the food you've consumed.

  • kateangel2312
    kateangel2312 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm a binge eater about 4 days of the week. My day starts great then I just snap and eat 4-5000 calories in one go. I hate it
  • cherys
    cherys Posts: 387 Member
    This might sound a bit weird but one thing that helps is to write a journal - not a food journal, but a private one about what's on your mind. As seraphim said, binging can be an immediate source of comfort if you are angry or upset. If instead you write out the feelings, and write how you can feel better, that is comforting and the desire goes away.

    If that doesn't work, then the binge could be either misplaced thirst - drink 2l of water a day and see if you still binge, or cravings. Some foods, especially processed wheat and corn syrup create really powerful cravings. Avoid them. Certainly try never to start the day with them.
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    I'm a binge eater about 4 days of the week. My day starts great then I just snap and eat 4-5000 calories in one go. I hate it
    That is me! I eat perfectly until about 3pm then it all begins to go downhill. I'm trying to start fresh today and log everything properly.
  • CathReese33
    CathReese33 Posts: 112 Member
    I have suffered with ED's for many years, primarily binge eating. The only thing that works in the pursuit to control it is to cut out ALL sugar and exercise. Oh and also to make sure I drink enough water, my brain mistakes thirst for hunger all the time.
    I have gone 2 months without a binge, came close the other day through weakness and tiredness but managed to stay strong. I have worked out I have an irrational fear of being hungry, so used to eat foods to ensure that never happened - resulting in massively overeating.
    - Good luck everybody. Feel free to friend request me, I keep my diary open if you need motivation xx