Is there other 40+ struggling too?

Hi, I'm new to MFP and have a hard time with meal and motivation to exercise... Any others like me?


  • pwatol
    pwatol Posts: 326 Member
    I have a horrible time trying to find the time to exercise. But the number of relatives I've got who've had diabetes, heart disease, and other problems from being overweight was enough to keep me on track with meals when I got started. Once the weight started to come off, it turned into its own reward. Because eating myself into an early grave is a lot less fun and exciting than seeing a reading that's a pound less on the scale. ;)
  • karenjkaluzny
    That's awesome!! I have a family member that has diabetes as well... I just have a hard time pushing myself to get there and once I am going it's good.... Just need to push to go. Especially now that I'm trying to exercise (haven't done that for awhile) it's hard and it hurts lol
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    45+ here.

    Sorry. No struggle, but us geezers are around.
  • ketorach
    ketorach Posts: 430 Member
    40+ female here. I've never had an easier time losing weight. I promise you it can be done. Caloric deficit = weight loss. I find it easiest *for me* by limiting carbs, but your mileage may vary. There are lots of ways to get done.
  • karenjkaluzny
    Thanks! I've noticed the carbs are the biggest problem.
  • pwatol
    pwatol Posts: 326 Member
    I also worked really hard at the beginning picking foods that would let me eat more mass so I wouldn't feel like I was doing without. Lots and lots of veggies. Some raw, but a can of beets or spinach heated up with just a little salt was a lifesaver more than once. Now, I just don't crave the larger portions that much anymore.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    I'm 62. They say it's harder to lose weight the older you get, but that is a myth. I have a niece who lost 200 pounds in her late 20s, then gained it back plus more, and now she weighs around 400 pounds at 34.

    The only way to lose weight is to eat less and move more. MFP gives you all the tools to do that. If you want excuses, then you can make excuses. It all depends upon your determination. I know, as I've been overweight since 2004 and am just now starting to lose. Why? Because I DECIDED I don't want to be fat anymore! So I am eating less and exercising more. Yes, it's hard, but not as hard as once again NOT fitting into my "fat" clothes and having to buy even larger ones. You're either disgusted with yourself, which is my motivation, or you enjoy the extra pounds. However you feel will dictate if you want to lose weight or not.
  • karenjkaluzny
    That is soo true, no more excuses !! The more I work out the better it gets, still a long way to go but the determination is there!! Thanks everyone, it has helped hearing others talk. I found I'm not craving junk food as much or wanting to eat chips which is better for me!! I've been making my meals smaller and sinking more water!

  • shaunsmoot
    shaunsmoot Posts: 37 Member
    Attitude is everything! :) A POSITIVE ATTITUDE WILL BRING POSITIVE RESULTS! If you think you CAN will! However, if you think you can' won't! When you get tired of being sick & tired nothing will stand in your way. You need to make this the year to see results! Be honest with yourself by weighing & calculating everything. You may be able to fool MFP but you can't fool yourself. Remember is 80% diet & 20% exercise. Make MFP your BFF and you will have a huge cheer section to keep you going. IT'S UP TO YOU....NOW GO OWN IT! (*)
  • FreakinFlabuless
    FreakinFlabuless Posts: 29 Member
    edited February 2015
    Meal planning is key for me, and with the internet at your fingertips, finding quality meals is just some keystrokes and favorites away. Plan at least 3 days at a time, which is what I do at a minimum. Sometimes it lasts many more because I'm the only one who liked it, but that's a good thing for me. lol ;) If I don't make a meal plan and have the groceries on hand to follow through, I will fail and just grab something else or fix something else for the family.

    As for exercise, I really don't like it. I don't look forward to it. I don't like to sweat....I could go on I think. BUT I always feel much better after I do it. For days I can't quite talk myself into it, I will walk 2 miles minimum. That's about an hour of walking. Music is everything for me in getting me into moving...a good tune that makes me want to dance works every time. ;)
  • Lovethepixies
    I just turned 42. I have been having trouble. My caloric intake is probably my issue.
    I could use some new friends...friend me if you'd like...thanks
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm 40 and have found it really easy ever since I found mfp. i can't remember how i got close to overweight in the first place, but it's been extremely easy to maintain a low weight for a while.
  • Mick1127
    Mick1127 Posts: 451 Member
    I'm 69 and have lost 15 pounds since 12/27/14. I have another 20 to go and will reach it by about the end of March. I am eating an average of 1900 calories/day and burning (according to the readout) about 1200 calories/day doing 60 minutes/day on an exercise bike. When we eat out, I now look up the restaurant's menu on-line in advance and then go to their nutritional info so I can pick out one of their lower calorie offerings. Any time I want to eat an extra snack, I mentally convert it to how much extra time I will have to spend on the exercise bike to offset it (5 minutes/100 calories). I generally ride the bike in 2 sessions each day - but only when there's a show on TV I want to watch. I figure I can watch TV while pedaling the bike just as well as I can watch it while sitting in my recliner.
  • karenjkaluzny
    That's great to hear everyone's story!! How do you friend people on here?
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I'm 42. I wouldn't say I'm struggling, but weight loss is a little slower and calories are a little less than when I was in my 20's.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    That's great to hear everyone's story!! How do you friend people on here?

    karen click on their username and click "add friend".
    I just sent you a friend request :smile:

  • Diet242
    Diet242 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 44. I started at 160 pounds, it took me 6 months to lose 25 of those pounds and I was stuck for 2 months at 135. I ended up just maintaining. I just starting getting in together in the last 3 weeks and have lost 2.8 pounds since I starting trying again. I just walk 30 minutes everyday so I can eat a little more, no weight lifting for me. I struggle to get out there and actually walk smiley: Some days are tougher than others when it comes to eating sweets and some days I feel like I'm starving. I go ahead anyway and eat the sweets even if I go over...I guess I'm not in too big of a hurry. MFP is an awesome find!
  • Josyurtos23
    Josyurtos23 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi I'm 45 and I'm slowly loosing the weight. I'm trying the baby steps approach by forming the habit. It's nice to know that all of you are walking in my shoes where as the outside world doesn't seem to understand. The best of luck to you. You can add me as well.
  • karenjkaluzny
    Diet242 wrote: »
    I'm 44. I started at 160 pounds, it took me 6 months to lose 25 of those pounds and I was stuck for 2 months at 135. I ended up just maintaining. I just starting getting in together in the last 3 weeks and have lost 2.8 pounds since I starting trying again. I just walk 30 minutes everyday so I can eat a little more, no weight lifting for me. I struggle to get out there and actually walk smiley: Some days are tougher than others when it comes to eating sweets and some days I feel like I'm starving. I go ahead anyway and eat the sweets even if I go over...I guess I'm not in too big of a hurry. MFP is an awesome find!

  • karenjkaluzny
    I love what you have to say and yes, it is hard some days... Today is one of those days for me :neutral_face: and I know there will be more good days.