Lessons Learned & Learning 14: 420 Days of Maintenance

Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
edited November 12 in Goal: Maintaining Weight
Prior maintenance updates: 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 120 days, 150 days, 180 days, 210 days, 240 days, 270 days, 300 days, 330 days, 360 days, 390 days.

My fourteenth 30 days looked like this:

Here's how the fourteen 30-day periods compare:

Weight: I had reached my goal weight of 150 lbs. on Dec. 17, 2013. According to MFP, that would place my net calories at 1600 for maintenance.

Between days 391 and 420 inclusive my weight averaged 148.4 and ranged from 146.5 (Jan. 11) to 149.5 (Jan. 18, 28, 29, and Feb. 2). Not too long ago I wondered if I would need to increase my calories, but the small weight increases these past two 30-day periods indicate otherwise. Those gains don't concern me. Here's why:


The dip between day 300 and day 360 seems to be the anomaly. I'm still where I want to be.

Exercise Calories Burned:
I took 2 rest days (0 calories burned) during maintenance days 391-420, compared with 1 rest day during maintenance days 361-390, 0 rest days during maintenance days 331-360, 1 rest day during maintenance days 301-330, 1 rest day during maintenance days 271-300, 2 rest days during maintenance days 241-270, 1 rest day during maintenance days 211-240, 2 rest days during maintenance days 181-210, 1 rest day over days 151-180, 3 rest days over days 121-150, 5 rest days over days 91-120, 3 rest days over days 61-90, 4 rest days over days 31-60, and 2 rest days over days 1-30.

My average exercise calories burned for this period equaled 410/day, with the highest burn being 506 on Jan. 13 (representing high cycling mileage, weightlifting, and planks). I had joined and accomplished the 180-Minute January Plank Challenge, though I struggled through the last days. I can now hold a 4-minute basic plank and 2-minute side planks. (I had reached a 2:30-minute side plank but could hold it all the way through only once. Likewise, I sometimes had to make up the last few seconds of a 2:15 side.) My basic plank now matches my endurance from before my cancer diagnosis and treatment; my 2-minute side plank exceeds my old endurance by 15 seconds. My weightlifting currently holds at 6.6 lbs (3 kg), 3 sets, 15 reps/set for curls and triceps extensions and 5 lbs, 3 sets, 15 reps/set for front/overhead and side raises.

Total and Net Calories Consumed:
Total calories for maintenance days 391-420 averaged 1920/day and ranged from 1514 (Jan. 26, a rest day from exercise) to 2113 (Jan. 20). Net calories (total calories minus exercise calories burned) averaged 1510/day (94% of maintenance) and ranged from 1266 (Feb. 7) to 1814 (Feb. 6, a rest day from exercise).

Cancer Update:

The best news is that my follow-up PET scan showed no sign of cancer! May it remain so! My next check-up with my oncologist is in three months. Follow-up with my radiation oncologist is not until July; follow-up with my surgeon is not until next year.

I continue to do well with the pills I am taking to prevent recurrence. I've been getting more carpal tunnel flare-ups than usual, which could be related to the meds, but that's manageable. The most serious potential side effects are bone loss and osteoporosis, which is why I'm being diligent with planks and strength training, along with taking calcium supplements.

I'm still a little thin on top, but my hair continues to come in nicely. Thinning hair is another side effect of the pills I'm on, so I'll see whether or not there's more progress to be had. My chemo cap is now retired.


Thanks to the doctors and LCSW at my radiation center, I now facilitate a new support group called "Creativity Heals." Doodling helped get me through cancer treatment. The group is for those dealing with treatment at any phase. We got a terrific write-up in the local paper:


Legible copy here.

Here's the doodle I was working on when the shot was taken:


I'm currently participating in the Tinkerlab Tinkersketch Sketchbook Challenge, producing artwork to prompts for each day in February. Those pieces can be seen here. I had participated in the last such challenge in April 2014, the month between my lumpectomy and my start on chemo.


  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    really cool and interesting data gathered, and very awesome about your winning battle vs. cancer :smile:
  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Congratulations on everything. Way to kick cancer to the curb!!
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