Hello MFP

Hi all. I'm new to MFP and I have SOOO many questions! A little about me - I'm 41 years old, single Mom of 2 beautiful boys. I had gastric bypass 14 months ago. Please don't judge me or slam bariatric surgery. It truly was a hard decision to make and IS a hard journey. While many people abuse surgery as a quick fix, I'm not one of those people.

My highest weight was 350 lbs, surgery weight 322 lbs, current weight 197 lbs. I've been overweight my entire life so this truly is all new to me. I started going to the gym a few months ago and it's amazing what this body can do, less 153 lbs. I really enjoy it but my sugar started crashing after a work out. I am diabetic although it's controlled now without medication. I saw my doc and he simply told me that I would figure out what works for me. I changed my pre work out meal and it hasn't helped. That's when I decided to start using MFP.

I called my bariatric doc but my insurance doesn't cover nutritionist consults beyond 1 year post op. As a starting point, I put in my goal as 800 calories per day. I know how incredibly important protein is so I set that at 80g per day, carbs 80g, fat 20g. In the few minutes I spoke to the nutritionist, she said the calories are low but otherwise those goals are realistic.

I'm under calorie goal, under protein goal and usually over fat goal. I thought I was pretty well adjusted to this new way of eating but apparently I have no idea what I'm doing. My calories in minus calories burned (and this is without working out) leaves me at a pretty significant deficit. The app tells me I'm likely not eating enough... yeah no kidding.

Anyway, sorry for such a long post but I wanted to give as much info to begin with in hopes that someone out there could offer me some suggestions or advice. Thank you in advance.