never give up.

I just wanted to share my story in the hopes of inspiring others. I am a 42 yr old woman. 11 years ago I had a stroke at the age of 31. Followed a week later by a brain clot which caused me to go into a coma the only reason the dr.s could find for my stroke was due to me having bronchitis at the time and that I had coughed so hard that it caused a break in my carotid artery. My family was told I had 24 hours to live and they should tell me goodbye. I woke from my coma soon after this by the grace of god and my stubborness. However I was left with left side paralysis. I had to learn to walk and to eat all over again. You can only imagine the difficulty in losing weight with such limited mobility. I went through many months and years of therapy. With assistance of a brace to support my ankle and alleviate most of the hyperextension in my knee I able able to walk again. I have never had any return of the use of my arm (which we now refer to as oscar.) In 2005 I stopped drinking pop (soda for you southerners) I quickly shed 30 pounds. I have continued a seesaw struggle with my weight. I have the desire and determination to lose weight. Unfortunately not always the ability. Although most of my hyper extension is controlled not all of it is and I still experience a great deal of pain due to this. I have a treadmill at home now. Which helps a great deal. I use a motoriced wheelchair to get around most places in my town. I try to stay active in my community. I weighed 242 pounds in 2005 when I stopped drinking pop I got down to 209. I am currently 213 and have a goal of 190. I am able to walk a half mile on my treadmill now, holding on for dear life the whole time. I have to walk
vety slow it takes me 43 minutes to do half a mile. I'm not giving up though and neither should you. Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. Its about dancing in the rain.


  • bearsfan67
    bearsfan67 Posts: 57
    What a wonderful story of the will to live and never give up. You work out the best you can with what you have and give a whole new meaning to the phrase:"Get off the couch" and " A body in motion stays in motion." It is awesome how you are getting out there and walking and I bet it is hard to hold on but you do it and that is awe-inspiring......keep it are doing great and I am inspired by you.......
  • am2anangel
    am2anangel Posts: 38 Member
    Ty so much your response teared me ip I appreciate your words.:smile:
  • am2anangel
    am2anangel Posts: 38 Member
    Oops cheered me up*
  • auburnlady78
    auburnlady78 Posts: 93 Member
    Ty you do much for sharing your story it has inspired me as well. :flowerforyou:
  • bearsfan67
    bearsfan67 Posts: 57
    Ty so much your response teared me ip I appreciate your words.:smile:

    You are welcome and they are words that are well deserved. Anyone sitting on the couch and saying I can't and so on should read your story and realize they can do it if they put their mind to it!!! Virtual high five to you!!!!
  • brahmergirl
    brahmergirl Posts: 84 Member
    Yay for you! I am a nurse and can only imagine your struggles but you are a true testimony of perseverance! I am so proud of you overcoming your weaknesses and trudging forward! You can add me, I am new here...:smile:
  • am2anangel
    am2anangel Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you I will I am fairly new here as well. I'm so happy my story can inspire others. If I can do it so can you.
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    You're wonderful! Thanks for sharing your amazing story. Have you been able to experiment on other types of gym equipment? It sounds to me like you picked one of the most difficult for you. Truly indomitable.
  • am2anangel
    am2anangel Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you, yes I've tried the recumbant bike and the nustep mschine through therapy. A nustep is a type of sitting step machine which is a lot easier on my knee. The bike causes me pain. I was fortunate to be given a treadmill that is why I tend to use that or walking outside which at times is difficult due to uneven terrain. I wish I could afford a nustep machine for home. I'm limited on strength training however. I do lots of right arm excercises. But due to inability to use my left arm and balance issues I'm not able to do much more. I can not get up and down off the floor on my own. I occasionally do crunches and leg lifts on the bed. But know a mat with more support would be more beneficial. Any suggestions would be great.