Day 200.

July 25, 2014 was like any other day for me. Except, for some reason, I decided to download MyFitnessPal back onto my phone. I did it with the expectation that I was going to do it for a couple days, and delete it again to make room for something more fun and that didn't require effort.

How wrong I was. 200 days later, I am down 27 pounds. But the weight loss is not the only milestone I have achieved. The scale has not been kind to me lately; I have been fluctuating between the same pound since Christmas, and I still have 8ish pounds to my original goal, and 13 to my ultimate goal. However, this week has been filled with NSVs that have re-motivated me to keep going and not just settle for where I am now.

First, I finished Couch to 5K yesterday. Never in my life did I think that I would be capable of, or enjoy, running for half an hour straight. Instead of dreading jogging like I used to, I now get excited for the days I know I'll be on the treadmill. I'm hoping to sign up for some fun runs and try my hand at running outdoors once it gets a little warmer.

Second, as I said, the scale has not been so nice to me, but I am noticing changes to my body beyond my scale weight. My feet don't hurt. My face is so much thinner. I can fit into size 6 jeans (actually, the size 6 jeans I bought in December are loose, even with the smallest notch on my belt). And, most importantly, my cardiovascular health has improved. I was born with a heart defect, and had heard for years that I needed to be doing some cardio exercise to keep myself healthy, but before the past 200 days, I had brushed the advice off. I had no idea how out of shape I was, especially for a 20 year old. Now, I am excited for the stress test I have scheduled for the beginning of August, because I want to show my cardiologist how much I have improved and that having my defect is not an excuse for me anymore.

Looking back on the past 200 days, I decided to take a picture of myself this morning before my workout and compare it to a picture of myself from right before my journey began, so when I am at my absolute heaviest. The before/after picture is now my profile picture. Every time I look at it I am astonished, and I'm hoping that at the 365 day mark, I'll be astonished at the changes that have happened between now and then.

Anyway, just some ramblings about how great MFP is, nothing no one hasn't heard before, but I have never been this proud of myself and wanted to share with you all. :)


  • mizzzc
    mizzzc Posts: 346 Member
    I love this! Great job.! You'll reach goal before you know it and don't ever forget about those NSV's!!!
  • strozman
    strozman Posts: 2,622 Member
    Awesome job! You are amazing and have accomplished so much, keep up the good work
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